Example sentences of "imposes itself " in BNC.

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1 The caveats expressed in The Counterlife apply to all occasions when , in whatever genre or style , autobiography imposes itself upon , overwrites , the world .
2 There were , of course , numerous forms and methods in which this ‘ law ’ expressed itself , but the most characteristic aspect was that of the transfer of resources to the socialist sector from the private commodity sector , and this is the process that — according to Preobrazhensky — imposes itself upon the socialist sector .
3 Since temptations to inattentiveness , prejudice , wishful thinking , are as strong as moral temptations , there are times when ‘ Face facts ’ imposes itself as the most rigorous , the most unwelcome of imperatives .
4 In taking this first step to rational choice , the single imperative which imposes itself is none other than ‘ Face facts ’ , which has exerted its authority from his first recognition of the obstinate resistance of external circumstance to his desires .
5 Different though it is from the practical syllogism , it resembles it in that its conclusions are always revisable in the light of further information , which imposes itself as relevant whenever it does turn out to alter spontaneous reaction .
6 A rite is part of the culture the individual is born into , and it imposes itself on him from the outside like the rest of his culture .
7 the relative informality and openness of literature teaching , its disinclination to impose judgements or dictate pre-given conclusions , itself constitutes a determinate discursive regime , constrained by its own rules , limits and positionalities : a regime that can be characterised as " liberal " in so far as it imposes itself not by insisting on the positional authority of the teacher , nor by compelling assent to a given and explicit curriculum of knowledge , but by inviting a voluntary recognition of the existence , purpose and value of a " subject " : Literature itself .
8 He looks first at purpose , which he takes as the basic means by which the subject abstracts itself from , and imposes itself upon , nature .
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