Example sentences of "to commit itself " in BNC.

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1 Their arrival swung on to General Noriega 's side a battalion which had previously declined to commit itself .
2 Six days later the TUC Congress finally called weakly for ‘ practical aid ’ to the strikers but refused to commit itself to cutting off supplies .
3 The reluctance of private capital to commit itself to a still depressed regional economy must be viewed in the context of MDC 's changing development strategies .
4 A number of Labour backbenchers are active in anti-pornography campaigns and are attempting to persuade the party to commit itself to new legislation .
5 C disagrees : there is hope in getting the Labour party to commit itself ( opinion ) ;
6 It was too weak to support one , and in any case Britain would almost certainly refuse to commit itself to anything that smacked of supranationalism .
7 Afterwards , Michels told Unigram that SCO had still to commit itself to either Unix V.4 or OSF Unix for its future releases .
8 They included : the need for international and regional supervision of a ceasefire ; proper political guarantees for the guerrillas ; an end to guerrilla attacks on the civilian population and on the economic infrastructure ; the need for the business community to commit itself to the peace process ; presentation by the government of the Second Geneva Protocol to Congress ; and the continued existence of the Advisory Commission on Public Order .
9 Environment and development groups warned that the summit was likely to be a failure , largely due to the North 's refusal to commit itself to firm accords .
10 The Labour Party must continue to reject the tax on the low paid , the young , the elderly , and needs to commit itself to a restoration of the Wages Councils , an increase in the power of the Wages Councils , and an improvement in the Wages Inspectorate , to ensure that all employers who break the minimum wages legislation be detected and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law .
11 We shall not ask the committee to raise it , but with or without its help , and its help of course will be welcome , we shall find roughly in its neighbourhood either one new group to commit itself to raise £1,000 ( or two new groups to raise £500 each ) .
12 In plain language it meant that there could be no public loan unless the British Government was prepared to commit itself to severe retrenchment , including a cut of ten per cent in unemployment benefits .
13 Surrey County Council is to become the first local authority to sign the Peatland Protection Charter , and to commit itself to the phasing out of the use of peat in the council 's public parks , gardens and other landscaping activities .
14 The Japanese position initially highlighted the weak commitment of countries such as the US and Britain to commit itself to any targets .
15 Over 200 companies have signed the ICC 's Business Charter for Sustainable Development , which urges industry to commit itself to the development of products which require the minimum amount of energy and natural resources to produce , and which can be recycled or disposed of safely after use .
16 The British Prime Minister , John Major , has spoken out against the US 's refusal to commit itself to a declaration concerning targets and schedules aimed at controlling emissions of greenhouse gasses .
17 China fails to commit itself to carbon cuts
18 In a related development , the EC environment commissioner , Carlo Ripa di Meana , strongly criticized the latest draft of the Convention on Climate Change as a " sellout " to accommodate the interests of the US government ( which has thus far refused to commit itself to specific emission reductions ) .
19 The new wording , insisted on by the US government , which is refusing to commit itself to specific targets , refers to the reduction of emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 as merely a " guideline " target .
20 A statement issued by over 100 groups and alliances , including the Brazilian Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations , the Pan-African Movement , Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace , is critical of the North 's failure to commit itself to concrete moves on fair trade , debt reduction , poverty alleviation and technology transfer .
21 ( c ) the willingness of the offeror to commit itself to the time and expense involved in a contested bid ;
22 The special November Conference which had been proposed was abandoned , again in the hope that the ILP would not yet have to commit itself .
23 ‘ The emergency committee has unanimously decided to press British Gas to commit itself to the relocation of this installation at the earliest possible date . ’
24 Saying that the council had been pressing the Scottish Office for a long time to commit itself to a new bridge , the administration leader , John MacDougall , said while welcoming their decision , it was vital that the views of users would be taken into account .
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