Example sentences of "identifies himself " in BNC.

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1 Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters , however independent and tolerant he may be , write a fair-minded book about Pound ?
2 We should now be in a position to answer Herbert Schniedau 's question : ‘ Can any man who identifies himself with the British world of letters … write a fair-minded book about Pound ? ’
3 On the basis of the principle of identity on the other hand , no subjection of nature can take place , since man identifies himself with the processes of nature .
4 He identifies himself with the prophets of the Old Testament in addressing contemporary life , and echoes St Paul when he sees himself keeping the streams of doctrine pure : ‘ For I am inquisitive in the Lord , and defend the philosophy of the scripture against vain deceit ’ ( A130 ) .
5 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
6 The author of Acts identifies himself as a man named Luke , and modern scholars concur that he is identical with the author of Luke 's Gospel .
7 In the canon of the New Testament , there is a single letter from James , who identifies himself as ‘ the brother of the Lord ’ .
8 There is also a letter from an individual named Jude , who identifies himself as ‘ a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James ’ .
9 To say ‘ the Word was made flesh ’ , then , refers not to a simple identity of God and Jesus but to a relationship in which God lovingly identifies himself in and with a real human person , 80 that that person can truly be called the Word , the self-communication and self-objectification of God in human terms … .
10 In choosing the time of the exodus to reveal the meaning of his name , he identifies himself as the God who saves his people and overthrows his adversaries .
11 Outside the camp ( 27 ) : neither offering might be eaten , since no one was to eat any of his own sin-offering , an Aaron identifies himself with the people in their sin-offering .
12 A Spaniard 's natural emotional loyalty is to his pueblo , to his province ; he identifies himself progressively against those of another village or province , against other Spaniards , and finally against all foreigners .
13 A male settles close to a female and identifies himself by vibrating his wings to the rhythm of his love song .
14 The Miller , in his tale , re-emerges in the target figure that superficially seems meant to represent the Reeve ; the Reeve then retrospectively identifies himself with a trickster and target figure : the trickster who makes a fool of the character supposed to represent him but who is subsequently made a fool of himself from another quarter .
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