Example sentences of "considers himself " in BNC.

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1 But the real obstacle to any formal union of the centre and right opposition parties is that each of them is formed around the personality and ambitions of an individual politician who considers himself to be papabile or presidentiable .
2 The question whether a man who considers himself wronged has a claim which he can make good will depend on the answer to the question : Is there a writ to meet his case or , if there is not one , can one be framed which the King 's Courts will hold good ?
3 It is clear from his critical writings that , to some extent , he considers himself to be the successor of Kafka and Camus : this influence emerges in his novels , Dans le labyrinthe ( 1959 ) — whose very title evokes Kafka and Borges — and his first work , Un Régicide ( 1949 ; published 1978 ) in which the atmosphere is very tangibly that of the absurd-cum-behaviourist novel ( see Smyth 1983 ) , even if in both cases the metaphysical is subjected to parody .
4 Within this trickle of a song , Morrissey defends his much maligned plagiarism with a comical air of one who considers himself , quite rightly , to be above such charges .
5 For if he considers himself in some small way a specialist , not only can he spend a good proportion of his time teaching what he likes and probably , therefore , understands better , but he also has more of a chance of keeping up to date on his chosen subjects , particularly if he has support , as many of the teachers I observed had , from local subject advisers , associations or selective in-service programmes .
6 It is understandable : the child considers himself safe in the residential street and is inattentive on the way to school .
7 When working with the patient who considers himself a consistent failure in a particular area of his life , part of that treatment may well involve regressing him to the time of one of these earlier successes .
8 He considers himself the victim of a plot , regards the asylum as Hades , and refuses to accept that he is mad .
9 He considers himself an expert on the subject now and confirms that what Horatia says is entirely possible . "
10 + In January 1958 , Dulles talked with him again , in Teheran , and immediately cabled Eisenhower in exasperation , saying that the Shah " considers himself a military genius " , and his ministers were unable to cope with Iran 's pressing economic problems " in the face of the Shah military obsessions " .
11 Archery these days is a sport like any other , and he considers himself to be an athlete .
12 Artist Rob Piercy , of Porthmadog , considers himself lucky to be able to realise his childhood dreams .
13 The fact that Murphy considers himself first and foremost a businessman who happens to be in PR helps to explain the care with which the decision to sell PRCS was taken .
14 The reasons he feels uneasy at the task he 's given himself , of pamphleteering , are first that he 's not he 's had to interrupt his studies and is not get learned enough for his poem , though you will have noticed he considers himself quite learned enough for ecclesiastical politics .
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