Example sentences of "let herself " in BNC.

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1 Somehow , she had let herself get mixed up .
2 They should not think her a woman who had let herself go .
3 She 's a young girl who really has her feet planted on the ground and I do n't believe she has let herself be carried away by her success .
4 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
5 She wondered if she would have let herself get involved had she known in advance that it entailed so much messing with entrails .
6 She always would have liked to have let herself be happy .
7 The woman who had just walked into the sitting room had most decidedly not put on weight ; nor had she let herself go … anywhere .
8 A friend who had a key let herself in and called upstairs , but I did n't want anyone to come into the bedroom because they might catch whatever it was I had .
9 Her best coat would perhaps have been better because it would make her look as though she had n't let herself go , but on the other hand her frightful old lumber jacket would have suggested , what was true enough , that she was worried enough not to care .
10 Some part of her still wanted to defend Luke Hunter , even though she was beginning to realise that he was far from being the man she thought she knew — the man she had let herself love .
11 In the elegant gilt mirror she caught a glimpse of her panic-stricken face , and her eyes flashed like bright , angry sapphires because she had let herself be manipulated like an ignorant country girl .
12 How could she have let herself be used by a man who held her in contempt ?
13 She could n't possibly have let herself get tangled up in the arms of Rourke Deveraugh , not in her wildest dreams .
14 How had she let herself be so deluded ?
15 It hurt very , very badly , but what hurt most was the awful feeling of having let herself down .
16 Just what had she let herself be talked into ?
17 Oh , how could she have let herself be so easily tricked , so eager to believe that he had changed ?
18 Arms she had n't let herself expect .
19 The question circling her head as she 'd climbed aboard the BA 747 that morning was why on earth had she let herself be talked into this ?
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