Example sentences of "reveals itself " in BNC.

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1 Heterosexuality , once it is exposed as an exchange of women between men , reveals itself as a mediated form of homosexuality .
2 The past often appears ideal in retrospect , yet if one looks at it closely it reveals itself as a dangerous place where we laid mines to trap others , and others laid them to trap us .
3 I threaten nothing , but sit on my branch , attentive as any other creature ; as slowly the forest reveals itself in the cry of a bird , the crash of a branch , the rustle of leaves as something moves through the forest litter ; the incessant percussive music of insects .
4 My advice is to remember that the short story is about one thing and one thing only , which often reveals itself in a single situation .
5 Although its giant neighbour , Ben Alder , can be viewed from the A9 at the top of Loch Ericht , and the peak further west along its ridge , Aonach Beag , can be seen briefly from the A86 if you 're not fishing about for an extra strong mint in the glove compartment , Carn Dearg reveals itself only to those prepared to sweat a bit .
6 The structure of intelligence reveals itself spontaneously in the way people behave intellectually ; it is not imposed by the assumptions of testers , as the national press would have it .
7 The EXAFS for Si in glass reveals itself as the ‘ wiggles ’ following the absorption threshold , seen clearly in Figure 2. the case for the application of EXAFS to glass is overwhelming .
8 In this case we may say that the reflection shows itself through the mirror , and this illustrates the general principle that consciousness can be understood only by an examination of how it reveals itself through the material world .
9 Money , which in ‘ normal times ’ represented a value in itself , finally reveals itself as an intermediary symbol , without any independent value .
10 Not Beethoven playing for everyday listening perhaps , but rather a fine wine , to be pondered over , and deliberated upon at length before its true quality most fully reveals itself .
11 Change in the garden is inevitable — but some of the ways in which it reveals itself are a great deal more interesting than others .
12 The lid is lifted , the subconscious reveals itself , God-like and demonic , both challenging to light assumptions .
13 Despite the different styles and theological stances of the writers , the epic quality of the gospel reveals itself .
14 Listening to the speech of those around us , we begin to discern how character reveals itself through words and also how people use words to veil themselves .
15 The relationship is initiated by an encounter when the object or being reveals itself as ‘ people ’ ( beri ) — a person with consciousness — in a dream , trance , or during a waking state in the jungle .
16 A Zeitgeist is all the more convincingly that , it may be argued , if it reveals itself simultaneously and without conspiracy or foreknowledge , but some of the cards in this pack look pretty wild .
17 The affinity between dog and cat reveals itself in the number of equi-status or near-equi-status traits they have in common ; and the differences between dog and cat appear more sharply when the affinity patterns are articulated in greater detail by means of diagnostic frames .
18 The paradox does not present itself in quite so acute a form if a weaker version of the contextual approach is adopted , which holds merely that the meaning of a lexical unit reveals itself through its contextual relations , without commitment as to what meaning ‘ really is ’ .
19 For some this reveals itself as a conflict between the top and the lower tiers of the organization , between strategy making and local autonomy .
20 In a striking phrase , Enzensberger suggests that ‘ artistic productivity reveals itself to be the extreme marginal case of a much more widespread productivity ’ ( ibid : 46 ) .
21 He is intrinsically proud : this reveals itself through his habit of defining himself by telling you his achievements .
22 A disturbed situation also reveals itself in the south-east .
23 A community reveals itself gradually through a multiplicity of voices .
24 Might it be also true of Jackson 's work that its formalism is so relentless that it actually reveals itself as questioning the parameters within which it operates ?
25 Also crucial to the accomplishment of this aim is his awareness of the potential ambiguity of language , an awareness which reveals itself on a number of occasions in his conversational behaviour .
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