Example sentences of "reveals himself " in BNC.

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1 Left to his own reflections , he reveals himself to be a bright , keen opportunist .
2 In his exchange with Nastasya he reveals himself an underground man who has wandered into a nineteenth-century naturalistic novel , a bohemian Hamlet .
3 Then a few lines further on : ‘ Stavrogin reveals himself gradually through the action without any explanations ’ .
4 In it , the Hucknall left-back reveals himself to be a chip off the Sid Kelly block : ‘ favourite food — 32oz steak-with-everything ’ .
5 In a similar way , the argument goes , God reveals Himself in particular events ( that may themselves be the actions of His agents , like Jesus of Nazareth or Mohammed ) but can never be reduced to them .
6 They have to find a way of expressing their confidence that God reveals Himself through His activity in the world , without making Him into a person like ourselves .
7 Not only does that provide a common bond among humanity to evolve spiritually , but it gives an insight into the nature of a God who often reveals Himself in paradox .
8 In his introduction , he reveals himself to be only too aware of the ‘ complex transactions between past and present ’ in which he is involved .
9 God reveals himself to us as personal in a very unique way .
10 ‘ He reveals Himself in a receptor-orientated fashion ’ ( Kraft 1979:169 ) .
11 God reveals himself as the God of their ancestors , and God of the present : " I am . "
12 He is the God who specially reveals himself to one people :
13 The colobus , driven forward between the blockers , is deceived into thinking that an avenue of escape lies ahead until suddenly the ambusher reveals himself .
14 Magwitch reveals himself as Pip 's benefactor and says every penny he has earned has gone to Pip .
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