Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] months ' imprisonment " in BNC.

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1 He was sentenced to a total of 12 months ' imprisonment for the summary and either way offences and the suspended sentence was activated consecutively .
2 Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.133 allowed a magistrates ' court to pass an aggregate of 12 months ' imprisonment for two or more either way offences .
3 Common assault is the lowest rung of the ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , with a maximum penalty of six months ' imprisonment , and it is discussed in more detail below .
4 Moreover , the maximum penalty for the section 47 offence is five years ' imprisonment , with no apparent justification for the strange approach of making the penalty equivalent to the higher offence on the ‘ ladder ’ ( the section 20 offence ) , and the fault requirement equivalent to the lower offence on the ‘ ladder ’ ( common assault , with a maximum of six months ' imprisonment ) .
5 She heard mention of six months ' imprisonment , and was terrified that she 'd be locked up for doing nothing .
6 It may impose a fine of up to £2000 ( unless the Statute creating the offence provides otherwise ) and a maximum term of six months ' imprisonment on any one charge ( and a maximum of twelve months where the person is charged with more than one offence triable ‘ either way ’ , e.g. theft ) .
7 The second common mistake ( not made in this case ) is to impose a sentence for an either way offence for which the offender has been committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.S6 a sentence in excess of six months ' imprisonment , which is possible if the offender is committed for the same offence under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 .
8 It is desirable that the committal order be served as a matter of urgency although in a case which merited a sentence of six months ' imprisonment — and the contrary was not argued on M. 's behalf — there is much less urgency than in the case of a short sentence of imprisonment .
9 The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on July 12 upheld the August 1990 conviction of former DC mayor Marion Barry for cocaine possession , but referred the case back to the original trial judge for resentencing , on the grounds that the judge had not given sufficient explanation for his decision in October to impose a sentence of six months ' imprisonment .
10 But the commission accepts that since the simple offence would cover deliberate foolishness which caused cost and inconvenience but which did not damage property or seek dishonest gain , the penalty should be modest and limited to a maximum of three months ' imprisonment .
11 In one a term of three months ' imprisonment was imposed in respect of much publicised suggestions by a trade union official that a particular decision had been reached only because of pressure exerted by a demonstrating rank and file .
12 The court held that on the authorities it was bound to quash the sentence of three months ' imprisonment , Scott L.J .
13 It seemed to the Court that a sentence of 18 months ' imprisonment , suspended , was outside the area of sentences which the judge could reasonably have considered appropriate .
14 The court itself took the point that the committal was invalid and quashed a sentence of 18 months ' imprisonment .
15 In 1893 a clerk named Alexander Howland Smith , more familiarly known as ‘ Antique ’ Smith because of his activities , received a sentence of twelve months ' imprisonment for his forgeries of a wide range of letters , including some from Carlyle , Thackeray and Mary Queen of Scots .
16 In the case before the court , there were two either way offences , one of theft and one of fraudulently using an excise licence , but the court had imposed a sentence of one months ' imprisonment for the theft and no separate penalty for the fraudulent use of the excise licence .
17 Facts : The appellant had been sentenced to a term of 15 months ' imprisonment , suspended , at the Crown Court .
18 It is not surprising that there is widespread protest against the sentence of two months ' imprisonment … passed on the Liverpool Constable who admitted that he had taken four oranges , worth threepence , from a shed in the West Canada Dock … pilfering by the Police is a different matter from the same offence committed by a street urchin .
19 The general rule is that the penalty available in such circumstances is the same as that for the substantive offence incited , in this case level three , and since the legislature , thought that greater punishment than that was appropriate , specific provision is made for three months ' imprisonment , or a level 4 fine .
20 Puritans also viewed breaches of traditional , Christian sexual morality in a serious light ; in 1650 , the Rump Parliament passed an Adultery Act , which sought to punish those convicted of fornication with three months ' imprisonment , and those found guilty of adultery with death .
21 By contrast , a person who organises a procession or a meeting and knowingly fails to comply with the conditions imposed commits an offence punishable with three months ' imprisonment or a level three fine .
22 On 11 June 1992 the husband was arrested at the wife 's house and on 12 June Judge Woodford , finding him guilty of breaches of the injunctions of 12 September 1991 and 12 May 1992 , sentenced him to eight months ' imprisonment for contempt of court .
23 Mr. Butler was sentenced to eight months ' imprisonment .
24 Miroslav Stepan , former Communist Party secretary in Prague , was sentenced on Oct. 22 to 30 months ' imprisonment following confirmation by an appeal court of his July conviction on charges of abuse of power connected with the suppression of a Prague demonstration on Oct. 28 , 1988 ; a second charge relating to a January 1989 demonstration was referred back to the Prosecutor 's Office [ for his conviction and initial sentence of four years ' imprisonment see p. 37737 ] .
25 Moses Ali was sentenced to 30 months ' imprisonment for illegal possession of weapons on Jan. 7 .
26 The bankrupt was sentenced to 12 months ' imprisonment .
27 Helmut Voigt , a former officer of the East German state security police ( Stasi ) , was sentenced in Athens on Sept. 10 to 10 months ' imprisonment for entering the country on a false passport .
28 He sentenced M. to six months ' imprisonment .
29 For that offence , he was sentenced to six months ' imprisonment .
30 His secretaryship of the UDC , which he held until his death , cost him his Liberal candidacy and led to six months ' imprisonment for a technical breach of the Defence of the Realm Act .
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