Example sentences of "[verb] parental responsibility [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 any other person who has parental responsibility for the child
2 No minor of whatever age has power by refusing consent to treatment to override a consent to treatment by someone who has parental responsibility for the minor and a fortiori a consent by the court .
3 " Family " in this context includes any person who has parental responsibility for the child or with whom he is living ( s17(10) ) .
4 If a person seeking party status has parental responsibility for the child but has not been named as a respondent , the court must grant his request .
5 In this context " the responsible person " means any person who has parental responsibility for the child and any other person with whom the child is living .
6 ‘ For too long in this country we have pushed parental responsibility into the sidelines .
7 He then went on to consider whether the further proceedings would be against the children 's interests under four heads : ( 1 ) the disturbing effects on the children of further investigation ; ( 2 ) the fact that , under section 91(1) , if in respect of any child a residence order were made in favour of the foster mother , the existing care order to the local authority would be discharged ; ( 3 ) the shared parental responsibility between the foster mother and the mother which would result from section 12(2) conferring parental responsibility upon the foster mother if a residence order were to be made in her favour ; ( 4 ) the time that would be likely to elapse before any substantive order could be made .
8 Thus , the local authority will have parental responsibility for the child , a duty to review the case in accordance with the regulations , a duty to allow reasonable contact as specified in s34 ( see 8(b) below ) and a duty to comply with s23 and the relevant regulations when placing the child .
9 The person named in the order will have parental responsibility for the child while the order is in force .
10 While a care order is in force the local authority will have parental responsibility for the child .
11 The plan should form the basis of a written agreement with those having parental responsibility for the child .
12 ( a ) People with parental responsibility Every person whom the applicant believes to have parental responsibility for the child is entitled to respondent status in all proceedings under the Act .
13 The parties to an application for a care or supervision order are : ( a ) the applicant ; ( b ) the child ; ( c ) every person whom the applicant believes to have parental responsibility for the child .
14 This did not render the appeal in any way academic because , quite apart from its inherent importance in the context of other cases , J. 's parents share parental responsibility with the local authority and J. 's mother was fully entitled to seek to uphold the order .
15 This includes an unmarried father whether or not he has acquired parental responsibility for the child by court order or agreement .
16 Instead , it promotes a new philosophy — that both parents have parental responsibility for the children and not just , as was often the case under the old law , the parent with whom the children were living .
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