Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the thirteenth century " in BNC.

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1 The Godiva story was probably concocted in the thirteenth century , because the first account is that of Roger of Wendover in 1236 , while Florence of Worcester , writing about Leofric and Godiva in 1118 , fails to include any reference to the story .
2 The eastern arm was rebuilt in the thirteenth century on to a Romanesque nave .
3 At Bayeux the choir was rebuilt in the thirteenth century on to an earlier nave , presenting a fine composition from the east ( 432 ) .
4 At Spaunton the regular two-row village had originated by the thirteenth century , replacing a hamlet 450 metres ( 490 yards ) away which was remembered in the field names ‘ old field ’ and ‘ tofts ’ .
5 ‘ When the goldsmithing business expanded in the thirteenth century , it was moved out here because of the danger of fire from the furnaces , ’ he explained .
6 Lower Thames Street , east London ; originally built in the thirteenth century , destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666 , and rebuilt by Sir Christopher Wren with a square tower crowned by a cupola and a short spire .
7 The castle , silhouetted against the sky , was first built in the thirteenth century , but was destroyed in 1350 in one of the local quarrels of the period .
8 In northern and central France several outstanding cathedrals were built in the thirteenth century .
9 Though Carcassonne is more picturesque , Aigues Mortes , built in the thirteenth century at the mouth of the river Rhône near Montpellier , retains much more of its original work .
10 Turku Castle was built in the thirteenth century in a strategic position on the harbour .
11 Only the west Siberian Tatars , as Muslims in touch with Bukhara and other Islamic centres of Central Asia , were familiar with Koranic Arabic , while the Buryat Mongols east of Lake Baikal used classical Mongolian , written since the thirteenth century in a vertical script , and later , as a result of conversion to Buddhism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , received its scriptures in Tibetan .
12 Founded in the thirteenth century , Salamanca was the equal of Paris , Bologna and Oxford , became internationally famous and attracted students from all over the world .
13 The hospital of St. John was founded in the thirteenth century for the reception and support of the decayed freemen of Bedford .
14 In Stockholm , the Riddarholm Church survives from the Franciscan Abbey , founded in the thirteenth century .
15 The wealth and pride of the monastic communities provoked an eventual reaction , and lay favour shifted in the thirteenth century to supporting the new orders of wandering preachers , the Friars .
16 Let us begin in the thirteenth century .
17 The hang is by the curator , Tomas Llorens , former artistic director of the Reina Sofía and a specialist in twentieth-century art , and is conventionally chronological , beginning with the thirteenth century on the top floor and working down to Cubism , Surrealism , Pop Art and Neo-Expressionism on the ground floor , with the earlier works , up to German Expressionism , outnumbering modern art by three to one .
18 The bishops ' pre-occupation , too , was with structured administration , which the registers of their activities begin to record from the thirteenth century .
19 Beneath the city streets is a network of passages which were made as aqueducts in the thirteenth century , to carry water from local springs into the medieval walled town .
20 The western part of the cathedral was erected in the thirteenth century and culminated in one of the most beautiful façades anywhere in Europe .
21 It was a national architecture formed in the thirteenth century ,
22 The only attempt to revive the Slav kingdom of Samo , which Ottokar of Bohemia made in the thirteenth century , was decisively crushed by the Holy Roman Emperor at the battle of Marchfeld ( 1278 ) .
23 The Church of the Kapnikarea , built originally c. 875 and enlarged in the thirteenth century , now stands on a small island in the centre of Athens traffic .
24 Why , again , are the planned towns scattered about the country in so haphazard a way , and so different in age and social type — Salisbury 's plan belongs to the thirteenth century ( Fig. 9 , p. 93 ) , Middlesbrough 's to the nineteenth .
25 The Severnside cheese cattle were first documented in the thirteenth century and there is a theory that there might be a Norman ancestry , though the evidence is circumstantial : a certain Norman baron owned large parts of the two counties in about 1100 and is known to have imported cattle from Normandy .
26 St. Asaph — One of the smallest cities in Britain the existing cathedral buildings date from the thirteenth century .
27 Any major phases or colonisation are as likely to have taken place in the seventh , eighth or ninth centuries , as Peter Sawyer has suggested , and therefore to be undocumented , as they are to have happened in the thirteenth century , when we hear of them for the first time from surviving records .
28 Students of English history might like to note that the contents of the English treasury were lost in the thirteenth century by King John in the marshy area shown at the bottom left corner of the image .
29 A church was first consecrated there in AD 649 , but the present cathedral dates from the thirteenth century and is a monument to the Split school of architects who gave new life to the Romanesque style in Dalmatia .
30 The magnificent 300 feet campanile — the Torre Ghirlandina — dates from the thirteenth century .
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