Example sentences of "[pron] stand [prep] the doorway " in BNC.

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1 I stand in the doorway of the front room , looking at the two bundles against the far wall .
2 I stood at the doorway , waiting .
3 When I stood at the doorway , hesitating to dash into the pouring rain , I could see that the landscape had moved with the date .
4 He opened it ; I stood in the doorway while he approached the creature .
5 I stood in the doorway , feeling quite dazed with loneliness , looking at the bed where he should have been lying .
6 I stood in the doorway uncertainly , arm aching from bringing up my hamper .
7 I stood in the doorway of the sitting-room and said that I had .
8 ‘ He said it did n't matter , ’ another voice joined in , and Edward himself stood in the doorway .
9 She stands in the doorway , chatting with JANE .
10 For a moment she stood in the doorway , allowing her eyes to adjust to the gloomy interior .
11 After all , she said so herself almost five months ago , as she stood in the doorway and bade me goodbye .
12 She stood in the doorway with a man 's night-shirt on and her hair in a plait .
13 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
14 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
15 Phillis asked , she stood in the doorway .
16 After they had left , she stood in the doorway and watched them walking down the main street past the square .
17 Peter often tried to describe what Kate looked like as she stood in the doorway , half in , half out , glancing at her watch and swinging an embroidered bag barely large enough to take a packet of cigarettes .
18 She stood in the doorway at the end of the corridor , looking into a small polygonal room with a sloping ceiling .
19 She stood in the doorway .
20 She stood in the doorway , taking in the lofty whitewashed space with match-boarding to shoulder height and saddle racks full of Stubens and Passats , all clean .
21 She stood in the doorway , arms folded across her chest .
22 Motioning for Seb to come to her , she stood in the doorway and in a low voice , said , ‘ There 's someone downstairs to see Anna .
23 The speaker broke off , turning to stare at her as she stood in the doorway .
24 Tall and elegant , her silver-grey hair styled into a smooth bob , she stood in the doorway and coolly surveyed Rachel with the same steady , grey-eyed gaze of her son .
25 Liza and I had wanted to go into the big shops in New Street and Corporation Street for ages but we 'd never dared to pass the attendant who stood in the doorway ready to shoo small children off .
26 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
27 Carlie believed everyone was out to do her in , and she had disliked Mrs Mason , the foster mother , as soon as she had seen her standing in the doorway .
28 Belinda knew it would be Tom Russell , but that did n't stop her from flushing foolishly at the sight of him standing in the doorway , jiggling his car keys in his hand .
29 He stands in the doorway , forcing me to continue dripping in the hall , and says :
30 He stood at the doorway regarding the room with approval before he said , ‘ Thank you , girls — you 've done an excellent job . ’
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