Example sentences of "[art] need to preserve the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By 1984 North Yemen ( YAR ) was also in agreement with the USSR on the need to preserve the Red Sea region as a ‘ zone of peace ’ .
2 The RAF 's case for the Canberra 's replacement was also reinforced by the need to preserve the viability of the British aircraft industry , which was threatened with collapse after cancellation of work on the supersonic bomber and ending fighter development .
3 With , for example , a greater use of kanban inventory control , parent companies have to weigh the advantages of lengthening credit notes against the need to preserve the existence of their primary suppliers .
4 Whereas the most the Prime Minister had ever conceded before polling day was a vague pledge to ‘ take stock ’ , Mr Lang , while stressing the need to preserve the Union at all costs , said : ‘ I 'm certainly not ruling out change …
5 Returning to ‘ Ancient Buildings : And the City Churches ’ , he stressed the need to preserve the Church 's role in society , particularly where it was threatened by urban secularization .
6 I think there 's only one other point which I 'd I 'd like to make and that concerns the the programme re-orientation and the cost implications of that er one aspect of programme re-orientation which we 've been conscious of is the need to preserve the delivery dates of the first production standard aircraft to the Royal Air Force and Italian Air Force in the year two thousand .
7 He has not just found a role for himself , which was something he had agonized over for years , but has used his position to lead an assault on the ills of modern society ; to try to alter people 's basic thinking , not just in an effort to improve their lives , but to persuade them of the need to preserve the planet for future generations .
8 Local authorities in many areas of the south and south east face the difficult task of reconciling the demand for new local housing and employment opportunities with the need to preserve the environment and fulfil their obligations in respect of Green Belts , Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and other protected areas .
9 Recalling St Magnus Martyr and speaking again of the need to preserve the fabric of the church , Eliot declared he would cease to appeal in the name of Christopher Wren and his school , and appeal instead ‘ in the name of Laud and the beauty of holiness ’ .
10 It could be the need to preserve the secrecy of a class of documents .
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