Example sentences of "[noun] stand [prep] the doorway " in BNC.

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1 The place was done up in his trademarked colossal style , with a huge pair of well-muscled stone legs standing astride the doorway to the main casino .
2 Paige stared at the accusing jade in horror , then , white-faced , raised her eyes to where Travis stood in the doorway between their rooms .
3 Richard stood in the doorway in his pyjamas .
4 A baptismal font stood near the doorway , a row of squat white pillars on either side of dark transepts , then through a rood screen into a plain , stone sanctuary .
5 My two guards stood in the doorway .
6 The uniformed figure stood in the doorway , eyeing the occupants of the cell impassively .
7 Anthony 's voice opened Julia 's eyes and she saw her sister-in-law standing in the doorway wearing a most remarkable dress .
8 Ross stood in the doorway of the bedroom .
9 The Indian stood in the doorway , a duffle bag looped over one shoulder , and looked at the two phones on the desk .
10 Doctor Agrippa and Sir Robert Catesby stood in the doorway .
11 Ruth stood in the doorway of the room for a few seconds , looking at her aunt who was drifting on the edge of sleep .
12 Pete stood in the doorway and watched as she bounced a little and made the mattress creak .
13 Bowie and I immediately , from that moment standing in the doorway , hit it off .
14 The unemployed Turkish waiter stood in the doorway and peered at him ; he was muscular and squat , and he was wearing only pyjama trousers that were creased and stained .
15 John and Kenny stood in the doorway holding a huge wooden doll 's house .
16 Susan Hart stood in the doorway , a hesitant guest .
17 Mr jackson s standing in the doorway .
18 Lindsey stood in the doorway , conscious of a sudden tension in her limbs , a feeling of blind panic that made her want to draw back .
19 Paige stood in the doorway and watched his retreating figure until it was no more than a deeper patch of dark in the gathering gloom .
20 Jessamy stood in the doorway and watched him in angry astonishment .
21 Damian stood in the doorway , hands thrust in the pockets of a very dark blue suit , immaculately cool , his dark red silk tie and white shirt enhancing the deep tan of his handsome face .
22 Lee stood in the doorway of a shed which was full of old furniture and carpets .
23 It was quieter , with few shops , not one of them interesting , and restaurants which opened with optimistic flourishes and invitations but where , after a few weeks , you could see the desolate owner standing in the doorway wondering where he 'd gone wrong ; his eyes told you the area was n't going to revive in his lifetime .
24 Nan Ho stood in the doorway , his eyes averted .
25 Joe stood in the doorway , and roared .
26 Leila looked up and saw the man standing in the doorway , recognising him immediately for a creature less human than Sindy or any of her contemporaries .
27 The young man standing in the doorway , his face healthily tanned , his brown hair sun-streaked and tousled , seemed to bring a breath of fresh air into the oppressive atmosphere .
28 Nathan stood in the doorway , filling the narrow space .
29 When , a little later on , as she was sitting beside the now sleeping child , she heard Liza come into the house , Harriet did not go downstairs but waited until her daughter stood in the doorway of the bedroom , wild-eyed and trembling .
30 Jenna stood in the doorway and glared up at him and he simply took her arm and drew her into the room , closing the door firmly .
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