Example sentences of "busying [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He was the Permanently Interrupted man , the man who , willy nilly , Got Involved , busying himself with trifles to avoid doing what really mattered .
2 As he sat there breakfasting with his younger brother , he watched his father busying himself in an unusual way .
3 The whole episode was clearly a great embarrassment to my father , and by the time of that conversation in Lord Darlington 's study , he had long since returned to busying himself as much as ever .
4 He dropped to his knees , busying himself with adjusting the drop of the trousers from Tzann 's inside leg and fighting the irrational and childish desire to jab a pin into his testicles .
5 He also quit cocaine , busying himself by working in the prison library .
6 While Steve was busying himself John asked him about the bridge and the strange feeling in the cutting .
7 Confounded by this reply , Oscar looked across at the other man to see that he was n't looking at the stars at all , but was still busying himself with the body .
8 In 1867 he became minister to the Borough New synagogue , south London , a post which he combined with a variety of Jewish and non-Jewish charitable and philanthropic endeavours , whilst busying himself also as a prison visitor .
9 He turned back , for a while busying himself preparing the food .
10 Opposition to the Shah 's regime was disparate — fragments of the old National Front , a survival from the times of Mossadeq in the 1940s and 1950s ; a miscellany of resurgent Islamic and minor left-wing groups ; the pro-Moscow Tudeh Party ; disappointed businessmen who perceived the hand of the Shah 's family behind every deal they failed to clinch ; and smaller traders who resented the Shah 's busying himself with high prices in the bazaar .
11 It was Saturday morning and suburbia was busying itself with the tasks it likes so much .
12 ‘ The poor man had a seizure , ’ she continued , busying herself at the blankets .
13 It was ajar and he could see the young woman busying herself with chores before reopening the shop for the afternoon trade .
14 Do n't be shy , I 'm not going ter eat yer , ’ she said , busying herself untying the parcels she had with her .
15 She smiled , busying herself with my purchases as she spoke .
16 Sara Gomer , lacking any match practice after busying herself moving house , lost 6–3 , 6–2 to wild card Louise Field , and Samantha Smith , also lacking match practice because of a cold , lost to Kimberly Po .
17 They settled on the terrace , Fei Yen busying herself laying out the table while Wu Tsai sat and made pleasant conversation with Tsu Ma .
18 Her mother , Valerie Cass , was busying herself , packing things into a small overnight case .
19 She turned away from his probing eyes , busying herself by filling the kettle at the sink .
20 Zerrer like her assistant Margo , who is busying herself about the Centre supervising clients as they get into their goggles , turns out to be , unsurprisingly , a new age devotee , though she cringes at the mention of the words .
21 ‘ Uh-huh , ’ she said , busying herself with miners ' lamps , old spectacle cases and various china oddments which had ‘ A souvenir of Cromer ’ stamped on the bottom .
22 She and her husband moved to Essex after the first of the three children was born , and have stayed in the same house since , Mary busying herself with a multitude of activities locally , and now caring for her husband since his stroke .
23 When they went into his house , ‘ where their best entertainment was his quiet company ‘ , his wife continually interrupted their conversation by busying him with domestic duties .
24 They lived together peaceably enough , busying themselves with good works and their neighbours ' affairs , and collecting objets d'art for their overcrowded gem of a house with a ruthless zeal which was a byword for miles around .
25 Excavation suggest that before this , Castle Dore was the centre of a large community made wealthy by the trade in tin and iron , as well as busying themselves with agriculture .
26 Instead of waiting to be salvaged , some of the inhabitants had got together in an effort to cheer things up , and , so far as I could gather from the film , they were busying themselves pasting pieces of brightly coloured plastic over broken windows .
27 Meanwhile , back at the ivory tower , lobby groups are busying themselves with the legal questions while waiting to get the big question answered ( i.e. why do people do it ? ) .
28 They had come to help Mary dress but there was no room at all when they started busying themselves .
29 Work was stratified , resulting in the most inexperienced and least qualified nurses delivering practical nursing care to the patient while senior nurses planned , organised and coordinated this activity from the nurses ' station , thus controlling the work while busying themselves with administrative duties .
30 Other men bustled around on the wide dock area , busying themselves .
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