Example sentences of "to busy [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For a second or two the expression of the Annamese.camp " boy " hardened as he stared at his employer , then he moved away from the peephole and began to busy himself cleaning the pots and pans that had been used to prepare the meal .
2 The wasp has no other effect on the environment and the bumble bee is left to busy himself among the plants , pollinating the flowers in a naturally effective way .
3 Quite apart from such specific minor functions , there are no practical restraints upon either House of Parliament seeking to busy itself with any task whatever that it cares to assume .
4 It was in the same year that Culture and Anarchy first appeared that the Charity Organisation Society was founded , to busy itself with the task of classifying and purifying the demoralised lower orders , and to sift out the ‘ deserving ’ from the ‘ undeserving ’ poor .
5 Bridget made a sympathetic comment and then went off to busy herself with another chore .
6 The tour finished in the kitchen and she started to busy herself around the cooker .
7 She was more than happy to busy herself with her new home .
8 ‘ Quite ’ , replied Mole , who preferred to busy herself digging , keeping her head down .
9 The elder of the two policemen smiled at Sarah but she dropped her eyes and tried to busy herself at the sink .
10 He returned her look with a glance so suddenly intent that she felt a flash of absurd panic , and rose hurriedly to busy herself with the teapot .
11 Biting her lips , she turned away , pretending to busy herself with one of the other costumes .
12 Thoroughly out of sorts now , she turned away to busy herself unnecessarily with the tray — anything to get away from those black , compelling depths .
13 They began to busy themselves cheerfully with preparations for the meal , one or other of them constantly trying to engage Moran with this small thing or that , until he was drawn by their uncanny tact into the general cheerfulness .
14 But when she learned that their questions had arisen through their wonderings about Brown Owl and Mr. Gordon she told them sharply not to busy themselves in Brown Owl 's private affairs .
15 He encouraged Sir Warren Fisher , the permanent secretary of the Treasury , and other senior civil servants to busy themselves with the drawing up of constitutional memoranda which came near to being ultimata .
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