Example sentences of "computer programming " in BNC.

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1 Students ' previous mathematical knowledge is extended and they are introduced to new areas of mathematical studies such as probability and statistics , the application of statistical methods to the collection and analysis of data , computer programming and the use of custom-built software packages .
2 These results are a valid introduction to central concepts of computer programming .
3 I HAVE burned the midnight oil scanning the arid wastes of computer programming manuals , but at last a publisher has come up with a series of inexpensive , factually sound but palatable titles which aim to introduce the beginner to the fun that can be had with calculators , computers and cassette recorders .
4 As the cost of hardware continues to drop ( productivity is increasing at about 30 per cent per year in that industry ) individualised computer programming and time-sharing would become expensive relics , he told the conference .
5 Finally , imagine that the designs and products of the practising engineer are so unpredictable , so prone to delay , error and collapse , that the remark ‘ Sorry sir , it was a computer programming error ’ is taken as an adequate excuse for almost any misfortune , from an inflated tax claim to a delayed spacecraft or the near-triggering of a nuclear war .
6 The mismatch between promise and performance in computer programming was first publicly recognised by professionals in the field at a famous conference on software engineering in 1968 .
7 The approaches described above can now be captured in computer programming using expert systems technology .
8 At the first hearing , she had a gloomy , slit-mouthed sidekick with the worst case of acne I 've seen since I gave up computer programming , but this time he was n't there .
9 The very latest equipment features computer programming of all the above , with the capability to memorise all the parameters for several different models .
10 He exchanged a polite smile with the secretary after Karen had left , then picked up the only magazine on the coffee table and leafed through it , his interest not overly stimulated by a computer programming manual written in German .
11 I 'm a 27 year old male on kidney dialysis and am looking for a computer to use at home with the long-term objective of working in computer programming .
12 I 'm a physics graduate but have now decided that a career in computer programming is more practical , given my condition .
13 Born deaf , and now aged 30 , Shaw holds diplomas in chemical and electronic engineering and is a person with many hobbies including computer programming , car maintenance , photography squash , travel and reading .
14 The NHS has invested little in work schemes , although a few innovative services have established enterprises in such areas as gardening and horticulture , catering services and computer programming or word processing activities .
15 Its particular advantage to the marketer is that it may be used without extensive training in mathematics or computer programming , since programming is done by the package itself when in operation .
16 Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus , physics , chemistry , engineering , modern biology , and computer programming .
17 These included a computer programming course and an Open-Access course ( aimed at ethnic minorities and acting as a bridge into higher education ) .
18 computer programming was the single largest employment activity ;
19 It had been Adam , too , who had broached the subject of a new computer programming system for the business .
20 Apart form requiring a certain amount of self-discipline from those doing it ( and when the legality of remote logging of work-rate seems doubtful under the health and safety laws for VDU operators ) , the tasks which seem capable of being gone this way seem to boil down to two types : self-contained project assignments ( computer programming , report writing , design ) and batch-related clerical work ( data entry or telesales ) .
21 In the absence of a member of the Scottish National party in the House , may I ask the Minister to write me a letter setting out , in terms of computer programming and related difficulties , the problems of collecting national insurance in the event of an independent Scottish Parliament ?
22 To address these questions retention of several different kinds of knowledge including computer programming , a science , a work of literature and a language will be measured after varying retention periods extending up to more than 30 years .
23 The ESRC has given Mr Masoud Yazdani of Exeter University a grant to produce a set if AI tools which will be easy enough for teachers of modern languages to construct their own language teaching aids without needing a great deal of expertise in computer programming .
24 This does not present the same barrier to pupils use of algebraic ideas within computer programming environments .
25 The computer programming language Logo , in particular , has been presented as an ideal medium for allowing children to develop their thinking skills .
26 Materials excluded from micro multimedia include : television receivers where the end user can not effect ( sic ) the onboard computer programming , CD-V ( linear play ) , programmable digital watches with graphic displays and audio alarms . ’
27 In other words , before a successful multimedia product can be created , the licensee will have to add a considerable amount of value — in terms , for example , of acquiring images , video segments , planning interactivity , doing the underlying computer programming and ultimately manufacturing and selling the product .
28 This technique has had a great deal of impact in computer programming where it in systems analysis and design .
29 In the first two years , the BSc Mathematics curriculum includes pure mathematics ( calculus , analysis , algebra and geometry ) and applied mathematics in the broad sense ( numerical methods , optimisation , computer programming , probability and statistics as well as the traditional topics of vectors and mechanics ) .
30 For example , the structure , flow and sequence of events expressed in a computer program may be copied and , if a different computer programming language is used , the listing of the second program will look dissimilar to the listing of the first program .
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