Example sentences of "held accountable " in BNC.

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1 All supervising officers , including senior divisional managers — chief superintendents — ‘ should not only hold themselves accountable , but be actively held accountable for the overall level of their subordinates ’ .
2 Production was a good in itself and therefore not to be held accountable for industry 's wastes or the ill-health of workers and their families .
3 President George Bush announced immediately that using prisoners as shields was a war crime , for which Saddam Hussein would be held accountable .
4 The emphasis lies in the area for which a local authority may be held accountable : the quality of care it provides .
5 They do have control over their behaviour and should be held accountable for it .
6 Learners , for instance , may not be held accountable , because accountability implies knowledge , and it is unlikely that the learner will have acquired sufficient knowledge or have sufficient practical experience on which to base the assessment of the care given .
7 This states that , where a player commits an act of foul play which has not been detected by the match officials , that player 's union has the discretion to cite that player to show cause why he should not be held accountable in the same way as a player who has been ordered off the field of play .
8 Both the leaseholder and the federal land manager , it was agreed , should be held accountable for the condition of the rangeland .
9 In most cases women can still smoke , consume alcohol , abuse drugs and live in a manner that threatens the quality of life of the unborn fetus without being held accountable , except in cases where they break other non-related laws .
10 How will they know what they are being held accountable for ?
11 It follows then that if the outcomes are poor , or lower than expected , the teacher is at fault , and should be held accountable .
12 ( Chapter 1 has already mentioned the classic case of California State being held accountable for not ensuring a minimum achievement for an individual student . )
13 The goals are the aims or outcomes that a programme purports to pursue , and for which it can be held accountable ( where measurable ) .
14 It means that patients , in their ignorance , blame already overstressed medical staff for delays or treatment withheld while those who should be held accountable are cushioned from the consequence of their actions .
15 The manager is responsible for the actual results achieved , and he is held accountable because information about his achievements will be fed back to his superiors , and they can then call him to account to explain his performance .
16 A manager who is not held accountable for any of his authority or power may well exercise his authority in a capricious way .
17 A manager who is held accountable for aspects of performance which he has no power or authority to control is in an impossible position .
18 Targets for performance by each profit centre can be established , actual results monitored against targets and control action taken by appropriate subordinates with the necessary authority ; the subordinates would then be held accountable and responsible for their results , and areas of efficiency or inefficiency within the organisation would be more easily identified and remedied .
19 individual managers can be held accountable for the profitability of individual products ;
20 That is exactly what has happened in Southampton where , in spite of all the professional advice , the Government committed an offence against the public purse for which they should still be held accountable .
21 There is the view that the party leadership in parliament should lack autonomy and should be held accountable to the party rank and file outside of parliament .
22 There are many ways through which public sector organizations are held accountable ( through elections , higher-level governments , the media , public inquiries , etc. ) and for many different aspects of their performance ( see Stewart , 1984 ) .
23 One dramatic concomitant is rising fertility among unmarried teenage girls , though changes in women 's education standards and work status can hardly be held accountable for such a sharp upswing in teenage fertility as the past decade has witnessed .
24 First , the authority being held accountable must genuinely be in authority and , second , those who are holding it accountable should command the sanctions with which to make their wishes effective .
25 Individuals may be held accountable for any loss to public funds or unauthorised disclosure of information occurring because of failure to take these precautions .
26 In a liberal democracy government is held accountable to citizens by means of regular free elections , in which citizens choose between competing parties of politicians .
27 Your specific tasks within that given work are assigned to you by a person called your manager ( or boss or supervisor ) , who ought to be held accountable for the work you do .
28 So if a group is to be given authority , its members must be held accountable as a group , and unless this is done , it is very hard to take so-called group decisions seriously .
29 If the CEO or the manager of the group is held accountable for outcomes , then in the final analysis , he or she will have to agree with group decisions or have the authority to block them , which means that the group never really had decision-making power to begin with .
30 First , and most critical , every manager must be held accountable not only for the work of subordinates but also for adding value to their work .
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