Example sentences of "spell the end " in BNC.

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1 It was seen by MPs as spelling the end of any career in government .
2 Little had been accomplished before the emergence of the new Government 's proposals for the treatment of young offenders , spelling the end of approved schools .
3 But though this sense of chivalry endured throughout the war , Verdun was to spell the end of the solitary ace and single combat .
4 Broadcasting unions and consumer groups said the bill spelt the end of public service broadcasting and promised pressure to get key points amended .
5 Egypt feared the Hashemites intended to control the land from the Mediterranean across the Negev to the Gulf , and the Palestinians feared that foreign Arab armies spelt the end of Palestinian hopes to determine their own future .
6 Yet the electorally oriented ultra-right 's slide in Germany had far from spelt the end of the ‘ new right ’ that emerged throughout western Europe in the past decade .
7 But his death and the mystery surrounding it spelt the end for the Church in which he had worshipped for so long .
8 Last night a highly placed source said the last 12 months had spelt the end of the marriage .
9 Taxes on share dealings , gold trading , large fortunes and even farm income spell the end of an era for Brazil 's rich — unless they find the loopholes .
10 They spell the end of the game as we know it .
11 Does the end of Bosnia ( May 29th ) also spell the end of superpowerdom ?
12 Assuring Singapore and other " friends " that the eventual closure of US bases in the Philippines [ see p. 38677 ] would " not spell the end to American engagement " in the Asia-Pacific region , Bush said that the US would " maintain a visible , credible presence " in the region through the use of forward deployed forces and bilateral defence arrangements .
13 The Ideal had to close down , and a vandal 's brick made it the Id al , which spelled the end of an era .
14 Not only was the death of Diego the cause of personal sorrow , it also spelled the end of his family line .
15 Harmon 's loss , when Oldham were leading 18–10 , spelled the end of any real hopes Warrington had of pulling the game out of the fire .
16 If a solution is reached , it could spell the end for John Duggan , the Cabra chairman .
17 A similar delay this year could spell the end of Sudan 's civil war , unless the SPLA can regroup and mend differences .
18 He predicted that up to 2,000 schools would vote to join the 200 that had already chosen to run their own affairs — a development that could spell the end of council involvement in education .
19 But the loss of these marine plants , which the naked eye may hardly perceive , would spell the end for almost all animals .
20 Conservationists are concerned that when this happens frightened local authorities may resort to indiscriminate poison baiting , a step which would undoubtedly kill many wild dogs , but could spell the end for several other declining species as well .
21 Moreover , such a move would probably spell the end of the Greens ' day in the political sun .
22 They could spell the end of national wage agreements and the sinking of clinical grading before it has properly begun to swim .
23 A second Danish No ( the first was last June ) would spell the end of the treaty as it stands .
24 Microsoft Corp is trying to bring Windows and DOS together in ‘ Chicago , ’ the code name of the project that could spell the end of MS-DOS as we know it .
25 Therefore , while absence may spell the end of acquaintanceship , it will not in itself destroy friendship ; and while Dr Johnson was right to say that we should keep our friendships in good repair , the perpetual shoring up of friendship might suggest that it were less enduring than we had supposed .
26 But defeat will spell the end of our World Cup hopes .
27 SWINGEING cash cuts by Eurocrats in Brussels could spell the end of Wales ' school milk system , claim trade unionists .
28 ‘ We call on members of parliament to throw out those parts of the Agriculture Bill which will spell the end of the potato scheme .
29 Anyone who thinks owning a diesel spells the end of driving fun , should park their backside in the AX 's comfortable , supportive driver 's seat and go for a quick ride .
30 But no-one in Tokyo dares say with any confidence it spells the end of a collapse that has nearly halved the value of Japanese shares since 1989 .
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