Example sentences of "begin to develop [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once pupils can produce a printed style of handwriting fluently and confidently , they should begin to develop a comfortable joined-up style .
2 If we look to laws external to the family we can begin to develop a body of substantive analyses guided by theory .
3 In spite of much previous research to the contrary , the last ten years have shown that young children can begin to develop a sense of time …
4 It is perhaps at this stage of our spiritual pilgrimage that we begin to develop an appetite for reading the Bible devotionally — that is , out of love for God .
5 The rapid expansion in the levels of information available in society also makes it increasingly important that pupils begin to develop an awareness of the wealth of information available and the skills and confidence which will allow them to make use of the information after they leave school .
6 There was no question of Lewis abandoning the Moores , but the body does not always believe the evidence of its senses ; and from this time onwards Minto ( as Lewis had begun to call Janie , after a variety of sweet to which she was devoted ) began to develop a series of psychosomatic conditions which strengthened the ties binding him to her side .
7 Particularly in connection with Bacon and Gassendi , we have seen how , in opposition to it , there began to develop a conception of ‘ natural philosophy ’ ; a body of knowledge based firmly on the experienced facts of experiment and observation , rather than on the intellectual strait-jacket of the logic and categories of Aristotelianism .
8 As we began to develop a feasible research design we had in mind initially the broad aim of developing a clearer picture of the referral and investigative work of the team .
9 Others began to develop a countercase .
10 Towards the end of his time with us , Peter began to develop a midfield role in the craftier confines of Division Two , but it is for his goalscoring exploits that Palace fans chiefly remember him .
11 These pines were considered the holder of the planet 's longevity title until about a decade ago , when botanists studying lichens began to develop a new dating technique .
12 These new streamlined creatures became the first fish and soon underwent a further important change when they began to develop a movable jaw , paving the way for the Devonian period — the ‘ Age of Fishes ’ .
13 Later in the century , Francis of Assisi began to develop a more romantic spirituality that took mysticism out of the cloister into the world .
14 At the same time as Russia became a leading military power she began to develop a considerable naval capacity as well .
15 Freud himself began to develop a general theory of unconscious emotional processes in human societies .
16 Through Basil 's inspiring courses teachers began to develop a genuine educational commitment and always within an atmosphere of personal fulfilment and happiness .
17 But he soon got into his stride , and began to develop a whole bestiary of characters who were to delight millions for the next twenty-three years .
18 From the late 1730s he began to develop a more ambitious career in cartography .
19 The missing element , however , was input from the clients themselves , so it began to develop a client care programme .
20 Work also began to develop a scheme for training and accrediting clerks who advise suspects in police stations .
21 With French backing , the Poles began to develop the tiny fishing village of Gdynia into a modern harbour .
22 During the 14th century , Japanese poets began to develop the form of verse we now call the haiku .
23 It was there , in lulls in the conversation , that he became a crossword addict and began to develop the concern for correct English , the wide vocabulary , the delight in the niceties of syntax , that have made him both a witty and a hard task master for generations of Bristol students .
24 ICI has been in the polyethylene terephthalate business since the 1940s when it began to develop the material as a fibre — ‘ Terylene ’ — following its invention by two British chemists .
25 I began to develop an interest in music in the early sixties , by a more or less accidental association : French film directors like Godard and Louis Malle used classical pieces evocatively and , sometimes , innovatively , and instead of confirming my extensive prejudices against anything beyond rock , blues and jazz , this exposure made music of the past appear unexpectedly fresh .
26 Because FI , in the wake of Renault , was shifting towards the turbo engine and because McLaren was beginning to develop the TAG/ Porsche engine , 1982 was something of a transitional year at the team and both Niki and his team-mate John Watson suffered in the results table , Watson actually finishing ahead of Niki in the championship , the first time he had ever been upstaged within his own team .
27 There are also signs that CMHTs have begun to develop a range of operational practices which pragmatically limit their responsibilities from the ( usually over-ambitious ) remits which they are given .
28 The risk is that the Turks , who 've begun to develop a very active policy , will try to grab the northern part of Iraq .
29 This came about through the fact that although Mondrian made use of the Cubist grid-system of Composition , he had already begun to develop a new form of painting which finally culminated during the war in the purely abstract idiom of De Stijl and Neo-Plasticism .
30 The dancers , from what Lucy had seen , were all pretty good in their way ; she 'd even begun to develop a liking for Maurice , who 'd winked at her in the corridor earlier .
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