Example sentences of "begin to work [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The legs and hips begin to work at their maximum power when the club arrives parallel to the ground during the forward swing .
2 Turning the other cheek is not an option here — until the children begin to work through the logic and consequences of two wrongs making a …
3 Only then during the forward swing can the legs and hips begin to work in harmony with the upper body in generating clubhead speed .
4 Having spent a great deal of time on learning to hover in the ‘ safe base ’ position , you will reach a point where your carefully acquired reflexes begin to work against you .
5 Only after Russia has received official lists of claims will she begin to work on bringing items to light and checking them .
6 From the early 1940s , the Irish government began to work towards the introduction of a comprehensive health service for mothers and children in line with other legislative developments in Western countries .
7 However his teachers recognised his exceptional qualities and he was given junior teaching posts which enabled him to register at the University of Pennsylvania , where he obtained his Master 's degree and began to work towards a PhD , specialising in philosophy .
8 Harry remembered the crystal chandeliers and as the warmth began to work through him he dozed .
9 At fourteen he began to work as a postman at 2d. a round , one round each morning .
10 Women first began to work as psychologists in the mid-nineteenth century .
11 Mary Jane Attenburrow in February began to work as S.H.O. Psychiatrist ( Oxford Rotation ) .
12 ‘ We began to work for this journey two years ago .
13 McAllister , who had put the doll down , and was now fetching out her work basket to embroider pansies on some fine lawn dresses made for the bazaar by the aforesaid ladies , said , ‘ I did n't mean to become involved , you know , but Matey has been so kind to me — when not slave-driving me , you understand — that when she asked me to accompany her I had not the heart to refuse , and strangely , after I began to work for the bazaar , I found that it was most rewarding . ’
14 At this point we began to work with Carlos Alomar .
15 By the time that I began to work with Ahmed and Amitha , I had resolved within myself that I could n't be anything other than a Black lesbian and that was in itself its own political identity , one that did not require validation from either the women 's , gay or Black movements .
16 Many parents who began to work with their children complained that the basic schemes they brought home to read were inane , and they subsequently began to share in the choice of books within the classroom .
17 Picasso 's extensive series of variations on Las Meninas was produced in 1957 , but even if Gironella knew of them when he himself began to work on versions of Velázquez ( which is highly unlikely , as Picasso 's paintings were not exhibited until 1959 ) ; even though their interest in the art of the past at that point in their careers was for both , perhaps , a rejection of abstraction ; and even though both can in some way be defined as exiled from their Spanish roots , as outsiders looking in — — yet the results are widely divergent .
18 Besides , it took time to get the formula right ; one dose began to work on the notes alter only 24 hours .
19 We began to work on two hander pieces — she took the pictures , I wrote the words .
20 Now , to cover all eventualities , I at once began to work on both lungs .
21 He began to work on the body , aiming for the solar plexus all the time .
22 He had left the warmth of the Blue Boar after the usual extended throwing out time , and now felt elated as the four pints of rough local cider began to work on him .
23 Eventually he shrugged , drew out his skeleton-key pouch and began to work on the lock .
24 Beginning in September they began to work on the current German and Austrian week ( 17 to 21 May ) searching for consignments spanning the centuries and media .
25 Having decided that the vantage point for the watercolour in Figure 1 was the right one I then began to work on the overall design of the final work .
26 For instance , RoC 's Myosphere uses a liposome transport system in order to carry the active ingredients , myopeptides , into the epidermis where they began to work on flagging cellular nutrition .
27 I began to work on the dog with all I had .
28 Whatever the reasons , a large number of people soon began to work on string theory and a new version was developed , the so-called heterotic string , which seemed as if it might be able to explain the types of particles that we observe .
29 Jessamy pushed them irritably to one side and began to work on one of the dragons , filling in some of the more intricate details .
30 Gould approached Lear with an appeal to help his wife master the art of lithography , although the direct influence of Lear 's style is not apparent in Gould 's plates until Lear began to work on them himself .
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