Example sentences of "bring about in " in BNC.

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1 In investigating the desirability of particular government policies , this approach appraises the effects of the changes these policies will bring about in the equilibrium situation .
2 The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto in his book , The Other Path , argues that such change can be brought about in the Latin American context by legalizing the informals .
3 Loss of citizenship may be brought about in three ways , naturalization in a foreign country , in case of double citizenship , declaration of renunciation of British citizenship , revocation of a certificate of naturalization .
4 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
5 When news of the wonderful changes brought about in Kidderminster at this time spread , it won the approval of Anabaptists and Independents who hardly believed it possible that such a work of God could take place through the ministry of a parish church .
6 This was brought about in no small degree by the invention in the 1890s of the safety bicycle which gave a wide cross-section of the population real mobility for the first time .
7 Where there is a gender cue , role mapping can be indirectly affected via name mapping ( she is Diane , so the seer was the person questioned ) , but when there is no such cue role mapping must be brought about in some other way .
8 I was amazed and terrified at the change I had so casually brought about in her .
9 At this time the poet 's ‘ Creed ’ included belief in a new state of being , a redemptive process brought about in slow tranquillity without sudden conversions or a Last Judgment .
10 In 1995 Japan will own a tenth of all American assets , a figure brought about in part because of the weakness of the dollar against the yen , but also because the Japanese manage to save three times as much as do the Americans , and have that much more spare money to invest .
11 In September 1956 liturgical leaders , including six cardinals and 800 bishops , came together in Assisi to express their gratitude to the pope for all the changes that had been brought about in the liturgy during his pontificate .
12 Apart perhaps from the revision of the Holy Week liturgy , the changes brought about in the Church 's worship under Pius XII now seem relatively modest .
13 In adult wounds , closure is brought about in part by contraction of the wound connective tissue ( the granulation tissue ) .
14 Public expenditure must be savagely reduced , business had to be liberated from the web of state and federal regulations and stability brought about in the monetary system .
15 Before we proceed to the changes brought about in this system by the Yorkist and Tudor sovereigns , certain general observations must be made about medieval administration .
16 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
17 The experts would say that he had died from suboxia — oxygen deficiency brought about in this case , Wycliffe believed , by a virulent poison .
18 This has been brought about in two ways , first , by specific EEC Directives which insist , for instance , that Britain gives preference to EEC countries with respect to her sales of North Sea oil .
19 ‘ We acknowledge that the great achievements BP has brought about in our territory are the result of the enthusiasm and technical and professional rigor of its personnel , ’ Wilches told the audience .
20 Does the Minister agree that his initial answer , taken with the huge increases that his Administration have brought about in national insurance contributions , the poll tax and the burden of rates that business men and business women have to pay , makes it clear that his party is the tax , tax and tax again party ?
21 In its citation , the Nobel Committee ( of the Norwegian parliament , which awarded the Peace Prize ) said that it wished to honour Gorbachev for his " many and decisive contributions " to East-West relations and " for the greater openness he has brought about in Soviet society " .
22 Many reaction enthalpies can not be determined experimentally because the reactions can not be brought about in the laboratory .
23 It states that if a given change can be brought about in more than one way , the overall enthalpy change is the same for each way .
24 On the ego it left a stamp which definitively brought about in man the culmination of the long primate evolutionary trend towards dominance of the higher cortical centres over the lower , olfactory ones , and the final emancipation of his fore-limb from locomotion and of his responses from direct chemical stimuli .
25 Appleton et al have indicated that the mucosal proliferative changes brought about in experimental carcinogenesis by small bowel resection or calcium supplementation , or both , are closely linked to tumour yield .
26 And not only for the pleasure of running her own thriving business , but for the more fundamental change it had brought about in her .
27 Distribution services department gained a Gold Award for the improvements which it had brought about in road haulier performance .
28 The early lithographs of J. C. Bourne , John Britton , A. F. Tait and others show us best the magnitude of the physical changes that the railways brought about in both town and country .
29 The improvement in signalling methods which Kempenfelt and others brought about in the British navy in the last decades of the century was a greater contribution than the idea of ‘ breaking the enemy 's line ’ to the defeat of Napoleon .
30 The kairos approach allows people to say that God is indeed involved in history and continues to be involved , bringing about in time something new .
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