Example sentences of "always possible [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Given the knowledge it is always possible to hold someone responsible for their actions .
2 However , while people were in general very willing to cooperate in the data collection , it should be added that it was not always possible to collect all items of information at each stage : for example , a very severely demented person might not be able to respond to questions at all ; it was not always possible to find a medical practitioner with up-to-date information about a person 's medical condition ; respondents sometimes refused to perform all the action tests ; it was occasionally impossible to find a key informant to give , for example , information about services received by a dementia sufferer or about his/her housing circumstances .
3 Now it is of course always possible to substitute ( x ) Fx for ( Ex ) Fx , replacing the existential quantifier , that is , with a universal quantifier plus negation , but there is nothing much to be gained by such a swap , for to paraphrase the proposition that something is human by saying that it is not the case that everything is non-human is merely to beg the question .
4 For this reason , it is not always possible to carry out the preferred size or type of investigation until certain data or resources become available .
5 It is nearly always possible to treat the diseases and disabilities that older people experience .
6 We shall see that it was always possible to settle chattels personal upon trusts for various persons with limited interests ( see pp. 86–7 , 101–5 ) .
7 First , it is not always possible to test rational expectations per se , but only jointly with other , supplementary assumptions .
8 Funding being limited , it is not always possible to purchase foreign maps with Scottish associations or simply to fill gaps in the collection .
9 It is always possible to return to nursing by studying for a specialist qualification .
10 It is always possible to use a rotation of the type ( 12.9 ) to put , and in this case and .
11 it 's always possible to see .
12 Remember , it is always possible to put more groundbait into the water , but impossible to take it back out !
13 However , it is not always possible to arrange visits to particular departments on particular days .
14 It is not always possible to give adequate thought to the future when caught up in the day-to-day running of an operation , but if you live the business , as Sir Hector unashamedly does , there are always less hectic times to mull over major issues .
15 There are enormous pressures on the time of the Administration and Commons and it is not always possible to give to Bills the leisured consideration desirable for good drafting and effective debate .
16 The second list tells you which foods naturally contain those items — but remember , if you really can not bring yourself to eat a particular range of foods , it is always possible to take the lacking vitamin in tablet form .
17 It is always possible to save money on entertainment , eating out , holidays and hobbies .
18 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
19 Of course , it is always possible to say that people are suffering from false consciousness ( women , for example , are continually suffering from the illusion that they are not being exploited in the home ) but that is surely too patronising a view to be taken at all seriously .
20 But it was not always possible to do this : the mere facts of topography were against it : and a great number of farms had to be created well away from the village .
21 Erm now we did n't er it 's not always possible to do that .
22 It is always possible to do that , and to use elsewhere the money saved .
23 The principle states that over a short enough path length it is always possible to transform to a frame in free fall ; in such a frame , space–time is locally flat and the coordinates of SR may be imposed .
24 In this section we check that starting at any event y in space–time it is always possible to transform to a frame for which locally and where is the Minkowski metric of eqn ( 4.1 ) or ( 4.2 ) .
25 It is not always possible to answer post by return , or to return telephone calls within the next few minutes .
26 For it was always possible to argue that a primordial molecular arrangement had been designed in such a way that the universe , as we know it , would be the outcome .
27 Even if the internal geometry of a motor appears very different , it is always possible to characterise its terminal behaviour in terms of one of these types and we are therefore justified in concentrating attention on them in this Chapter and , indeed , throughout the book .
28 As the brochure on the procedure in these cases explains it is not always possible to conclude a claim as quickly as you or I would like .
29 But it is not always possible to state a priori if labour is productive or unproductive , since it is the particular circumstances which determine this .
30 Although it is not always possible to record all this information in the modelling process , it is necessary to be at least aware of these factors .
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