Example sentences of "during the worst " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The violence against street children is now far more barbarous than anything inflicted on political prisoners during the worst phase of the military dictatorship , ’ said Benedicto Rodrigues dos Santos , of the National Street Children 's Movement , a welfare organisation that has documented the violent deaths of 1,397 street children since 1984 .
2 Keynes began work on it during the worst year of the slump , under a government which had slammed the door on his favourite project of public works .
3 During the worst period for external conditions of the whole three years the only book I could get hold of ( and then only after putting my name down on a waiting list ) was Somerset Maugham 's enormous Of Human Bondage .
4 Elsewhere in this issue , Isabel Wolff reports on the inspiring life of Rigoberta Menchu , a indefatigable defender of human rights of indigenous people in Central America ; Ian Williams describes his experience in Somalia while working there as a nurse during the worst of the 1992 famine ; and we publish an extract from The Princess , an anonymous account of the treatment of women in Saudi Arabia .
5 Robin Howard , mitigating , said his clients had not got fat through this scam — it was merely to stay solvent during the worst years of the recession .
6 Robin Howard , mitigating , said his clients had not got fat through this scam — it was merely to stay solvent during the worst years of the recession .
7 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
8 During the worst of the winter weather one was discovered dead at the bottom of a rubbish chute in a high rise building .
9 Throughout the war ( except during the worst days of the blitz ) the Gallup Poll had been assessing the popularity of the government , and of Churchill himself as Prime Minister .
10 Thus during the worst crisis in British industrial history neither the labour movement nor its radical Left were able to take advantage of the situation .
11 One man who cannever forget is Norman Edwards who was twenty when he first saw action with the Glosters during the worst of the fighting .
12 During the worst recession for half a century the British government is committing £55m to Manchester 's bid to stage the 2000 Olympics .
13 During the worst weeks of the Verdun fighting , de Castelnau impressed Colonel Repington ( the elephantine Times correspondent who , in between the purveyance of social tittle-tattle from one dining table to another , was a fairly astute military critic ) on his way to dine at the Ritz , with the words : ‘ Rather than accept slavery at German hands the French race would die upon the battlefield . ’
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