Example sentences of "hold true [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The same holds true about the plasma concentrations which , although they were determined by a new ELISA , were within the same range ( 70–350 ng/mL ) in responsive patients from Cameroon and the Congo as in non-responsive patients from the Congo .
2 If the same holds true for contextual cues in latent inhibition , then giving an animal experience of the context alone ( i.e. without any presentations of the target stimulus ) should not eliminate the ability of the context to activate the associative information about the target stimulus that was established during pre-exposure ( e.g. the information that the target is followed by no significant event ) .
3 If God could say to Paul ‘ my power is made perfect in weakness ’ ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 ) , the same holds true for you .
4 The same holds true for biographical representations .
5 Whether that holds true for very frail old people is doubtful as Wenger herself recognises .
6 The same holds true for the other offering : Electronic Forms designer , which combines the facilities of Microsoft 's Visual Basic with Microsoft Mail ( or , it is claimed , any other MAPI-compliant electronic mail package ) to produce an intelligent forms construction kit .
7 The same holds true for the Church .
8 This also holds true for items of similar groups within the same country ; a top quality Nain will tend to be more expensive than a second-grade Isfahan ( and vice versa ) , while both can be expected to command a higher price than the average Hamadan or Heriz .
9 The same holds true for the three P.wickerhamii introns .
10 Whether this situation also holds true for other RA-regulated genes is not known so far ( for a review see 22 ) .
11 Equally , the same story holds true for Optical Laser and Compact Discs ( CDs ) , although hopefully to a lesser degree .
12 The same holds true for all the other advice agencies in your area .
13 The same holds true for microcomputer-based information retrieval systems , where users can avoid the frustrating and depressing array of see references which appear in card-based retrieval systems .
14 The same holds true of the new wave of talent highlighted here , though one or two are committed to working with building-based companies .
15 The same holds true of any other strategy adopted as a result of operant conditioning .
16 The same holds true of holidays as themes of mental activity while working :
17 That holds true in principle for any sexuality .
18 The outcome was a victory for marketing , because it proves that what applies in the world of packaged goods holds true in the world of politics .
19 While this argument holds true in an ideal world users are often subject to other considerations such as previously installed hardware , purchasing restrictions and a million and one other trivia of which that perennial bugbear ‘ compatibility ’ is possibly the most emotive .
20 Although this theory has not been tested in other forms of autonomic neuropathy , we have assumed that the same holds true in cases where constipation was associated to a degree of autonomic neuropathy .
21 But what holds true within one phylum may well hold true across them .
22 Vertical thinking is an alternation of the processes of deduction and induction to find and prove algorithms that hold true for all known applications .
23 I shall use here the data on short /a/ , but similar conclusions hold true of other vowels ( for greater detail , see J. Milroy , 1976a , 1981 ; Harris , 1985 ) .
24 The objective is to see how far the trends observed in Atlanta hold true of these other cities , selected because of certain similarities to and differences from Atlanta .
25 As willing outcasts from British pop society , The Smiths were holding true to their original purpose ; that , despite the stories of their inflating egos , they were remaining on course … and beautifully aloof .
26 But what holds true within one phylum may well hold true across them .
27 Whether that will hold true across the country remains to be seen .
28 Then using eqn ( 7.4 ) this becomes , after rearrangement , which , being expressed entirely in terms of tensors , will hold true under general transformations of coordinates .
29 This situation would not necessarily hold true for another council . ’
30 The common argument that owner-occupation offers greater mobility does not generally hold true for women , as was clear in our discussion of what happens on marital breakdown .
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