Example sentences of "as recently as " in BNC.

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61 There had been a decade of consultation and as recently as 1986 an Education Act had required local authorities to devise policy documentation in relation to the curriculum and its delivery .
62 However , as recently as last week , IBM is said to have realised that its shell technology does not comply with the Object Management Group Common Object Request Broker specifications and has been urging Hewlett-Packard to throw its Object Group-compliant Distributed Object Management Facility into the pot .
63 Personal computer network service company Maddox Group Plc , set up as recently as February 1992 , is already making profits , claims a 4% share of the corporate market , and intends to keep on growing by acquisition .
64 But as recently as last month junior health minister Tim Yeo said publicly that self-regulation was the best way of developing the private domiciliary sector .
65 As recently as last December it pencilled in a figure of 1.9% .
66 As recently as the late 1980s profits on share sales accounted for nearly all of city banks ' earnings .
67 As recently as 1990 , the Cambridge company had almost 70% of the $1.2 billion a year spreadsheet market with its 1-2-3 flagship program .
68 However , as recently as last week , IBM is said to have realised that its shell technology does not comply with the Object Management Group CORBA specifications and has been urging HP to throw its OMG-compliant Distributed Object Management Facility into the pot .
69 A leading centre of kersey manufacture , Newbury had been the stamping ground of the celebrated John Winchcombe until his death as recently as 1519 .
70 This ‘ ontological imperialism ’ , Levinas argues , goes back at least to Socrates but can be found as recently as Heidegger .
71 Although AMARC was formally established as recently as 1988 , it has gained a worldwide reputation for its community radio conferences , which have been taking place since 1983 .
72 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
73 Rates are a particularly unpopular tax , but as recently as 1983 the government concluded , ‘ they do have advantages .
74 Part way through the reconstructed Violin Concerto ( a realization which emerged only as recently as 1988 ) we experience a triumphant surge of spirit in the music as it quite literally attempts to shake off its chains .
75 The organ of London 's Royal Festival Hall was built as recently as 1954 , and although this fine instrument also brings no lack of sound spectacle , its most remarkable aspect is the wide lateral layout of the pipes , which means that the music can effectively emerge from various point sources .
76 They also showed me the silver anklets for state elephants ( used until the 1930s ) and silver palanquins , used as recently as the 1950s .
77 The Football League had been founded as recently as 1888 , with its base firmly in the North and Midlands .
78 But bring back flogging — abolished as recently as 1861 — they could , and did .
79 Introduced so hastily after the original abolition of flogging , and remaining on the statute book until judicial corporal punishment was ended as recently as 1948 , the Garotter 's Act was thus a historic landmark of reaction ; and it was quickly followed by measures to toughen prison discipline and to introduce a minimum penalty of five years of penal servitude for second offenders .
80 She said this last doubtfully because she had seen the School as recently as Jarvis had and could not imagine any ‘ civilized people ’ renting it .
81 As recently as fifty years ago Hitler ordered that a statue of Sir Francis Drake at Offenburg be razed to the ground because he was holding a potato plant .
82 Discovered as recently as 1964 , the cold-hall and open-air swimming pool are now displayed under cover .
83 Given these long-standing traditions , it seems amazing that , as recently as a decade ago , the scientific world knew almost nothing of these forest chimpanzees .
84 Penetrating theorems about these rings have been obtained as recently as 1960 by A W Goldie .
85 Even as recently as early 1990 , it seemed unlikely that optical disc-based handhelds would have significant impact in the immediate future .
86 It is , for example , remarkable that almost half of all medical students are women , when as recently as 1974 medical schools were operating a quota system to keep women out .
87 The policy enunciated as recently as August 1946 was now scrapped in December .
88 Africa had its first military coup in 1958 , in Sudan ; the danger of military intervention was graphically illustrated in 1964 with army mutinies in Kenya , Tanganyika and Uganda ; as recently as January 1966 the Nigerian coup had cost the lives of the Prime Minister and the Premiers of the Northern and Western regions .
89 As recently as 1922 Dr Joan Evans noted that ‘ Amber necklaces may still be sold in the chemists ’ shops of Mayfair as a cure for croup , asthma and whooping cough . ’
90 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
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