Example sentences of "over long period " in BNC.

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1 Fewer students were prepared to undertake the commitment to submit written work on a regular basis , or to study over long periods , and although the number of Article 24(a) Tutorial Classes rose from fourteen in 1947–48 to thirty in 1951–52 as a direct result of the District 's programme for action , the totals for Article 24(b) Sessional classes declined from forty-one to thirty-two over the same period .
2 At least it does so in regions of ancient written culture like Europe , where the same names for ethnic groups persist over long periods , even though they may describe quite different and changing social realities .
3 The release included statements that ‘ the discovery will be relatively easy to make into a usable technology for generating heat and power ’ ; and that ‘ this generation of heat continues over long periods and is so large that it can only be attributed to a nuclear process ’ .
4 Unlike their counterparts in the longue durée , they were seen not so much as steady constraints with which societies had to contend over long periods , but as patterns of change which were themselves part and parcel of social life .
5 This makes the diet difficult to sustain over long periods and management requires the services of a specialist metabolic team .
6 Work groups differ from free-forming groups outside employment in that they evolve over long periods of time .
7 Monetarist theory argues that the two lines on the graph should more or less coincide over long periods , showing that any increase in the money stock in excess of that needed to finance real output growth will be dissipated in price rises .
8 Here at last was the starting point for a science that would attempt to explain the present state of the earth and its inhabitants in terms of natural processes acting over long periods of time .
9 Georgi Lozanov 's work is particularly apposite to memory training ; students learn a remarkable number of words at a session , with little or no forgetting over long periods of time .
10 Though involving less spectacular rates of uplift , crustal unloading by denudation is a far more pervasive process which extends over long periods of time , in contrast to the rather transient effects of deglaciation and evaporation of lakes .
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