Example sentences of "ask himself the " in BNC.

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1 Jacob must be asking himself the same questions now .
2 And as Morse opened his passenger door , he stood for a while looking up at the Pole Star , and asking himself the question he had been asking for the past two hours : was there any way in which Downes could still have been the murderer after all ?
3 In the opening chapter of the novel , Pierre Bloye , confronted by the corpse of his father , instinctively alienated by the rituals and incantations of an absurd funeral ceremony , despairing at his mother 's willing acquiescence to the arid conventions of petty-bourgeois existence , asks himself the fundamental question : " What sort of a man was my father ? "
4 Faced with the same claims about the effect of words like " fair " , the courts today apply a doctrine of " mistake " which precludes all review of the expert 's analysis , unless the expert values the wrong shares or asks himself the wrong question about concepts such as fairness : see Chapter 13 .
5 An expert can now make a final determination about the construction of documents provided he asks himself the right question .
6 Here he was able to stand back from the onrush of western man and ask himself the real questions of life and meaning ; get his young life , full and successful as it had been , into perspective .
7 He 'd often asked himself the same question .
8 The hon. Gentleman has completely failed to understand that he has not yet asked himself the question , ’ What is a region ? ’
9 Although questions of interpretation are traditionally questions of law the court will intervene only if the expert has asked himself the " wrong question " : see 13.6.8 , 13.8 and 13.9 .
10 The parties have to accept the expert 's decision , unless he has asked himself the wrong question of law : Nikko Hotels ( UK ) Ltd v MEPC plc [ 1991 ] 28 EG 86 .
11 Whichever way a point of law is resolved , including without lawyers being consulted , a decision on a point of law will stand unless the expert has asked himself the wrong question of law .
12 However , this line of challenge has been closed down by Nikko Hotels ( UK ) Ltd v MEPC plc [ 1991 ] 28 EG 86 , which allows challenges only if the expert has asked himself the wrong question , including a question of law .
13 A party who wishes to appeal from a decision of an expert will be able to do so only : ( 1 ) if the expert has decided the wrong issue ; or ( 2 ) if the expert has asked himself the wrong question : see 13.6.8 .
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