Example sentences of "might expect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In both studies the net disincentive effect was greater for higher-income groups , as one might expect with these paying higher marginal taxes ( stronger substitution effects ) .
2 In general , one notable but not fully comprehensive style ( or two or more styles which do not correspond ) is in evidence : another , " indefinite " style accompanies the individual — such as one might expect with the work of a mosaicist and a number of helpers .
3 This is only as one might expect -at all times and in all places — for it is always a problem in art history or archaeology to know to what degree certain persons can be held responsible for the appearance of particular aspects of design ( especially where one is dealing with aspects of arrangement , structure , and figural types ) .
4 And the sporting Volcane version , while hot , is not the scorcher one might expect at the top of so accomplished a line-up .
5 In cross-section ( Fig. 3 ) , the wound front generally has a rounded or only slightly angular profile , rather than the flattened cellular protrusions one might expect at a leading edge that was actively crawling forwards over the exposed mesenchyme .
6 Images scanned and printed on a 300dpi system using 32 levels of grey look surprisingly good ; better than you might expect at any rate .
7 The chief argument for putting the Callovian in the Upper Jurassic was that this stage was markedly transgressive Over a large part of the Soviet Union and that , therefore , this was a natural break such as one might expect at a major stratigraphical boundary .
8 Instead , he berates her and describes the misery she might expect as a beggar .
9 But then came a row with the aged President Tito over the sort of reception he might expect on a visit to Belgrade .
10 There was a peculiar hissing sound in the room , a radiophonic kind of vibration , a noise one might expect on the sound-track of a science fiction film as the visiting card for the presence or arrival of aliens with long , bent , furry legs and eyes as scorching as red-hot coals .
11 Within this general analysis there is a considerable variety of micro-climates — as one might expect on a small island in the Atlantic with altitudes from sea-level to 1,800 metres .
12 Certainly the reading content of the recommended book for Class 2 in Sierra Leone which I saw being used with very young children in Freetown schools is far above the average reading level one might expect for six-year-olds in London who speak English , not Creole , at home .
13 This machine is no exception , and the quality of the build is better than you might expect for a bog-standard clone .
14 But The Waste Land 's sounds , rather than sights , come closest to enacting savage ritual , as we might expect of Eliot 's ‘ auditory imagination ’ .
15 A blend of clove , thyme , lavender and peppermint , for example , is far more powerful than the chemist might expect of the blend ( taking into account the combined chemical constituents of the oils ) .
16 This is a road of great promise , as one might expect of a highway that is paved almost all the way from Barrow in Alaska to Ushuaia in Argentina , and is — at 16,000 miles — the longest continuous route in the world .
17 One aspect of performance that one might expect of any machine that was to pass the test ( by behaving in such a way that the human interlocutor never even suspected a machine was present ) would be to have the sort of final authority over what state it was in that we normally concede to humans : when Jones , on the neurosurgeon 's table , insists that he is in pain , we tend to allow his authority even though the neurosurgeon says that , given the position of the brain probe at that moment , he should not be .
18 AS YOU might expect of a nation that has devoted the past three and a half centuries to failed attempts at independence , Ukrainian leaders have a propensity for messing things up when it matters most .
19 How many of the 200 knights should be counted as members of Lisiard of Amboise 's household can not be determined ; the number is rather more what one might expect of the household of a great prince .
20 This quotation does , however , sum up what many people might expect of the consequences of going without sleep for any length of time .
21 Whilst this might be true , for some years now invertebrate neurophysiologists ( by which is meant those who study invertebrates , not a special group of researchers without backbones ! ) , who used to speak of their pet organisms as having simple nervous systems , have rephrased their claim , and refer instead to them as having ‘ simple ’ nervous systems , the inverted commas being deliberately added as a recognition that the complexity of these systems is still many orders of magnitude higher than in the genuinely simple wiring that one might expect of a mere computer .
22 And I have a very strong extended family as you might expect of a half Italian , mother always cooking pasta and what have you at home .
23 The other tracts which were written by Lothar before he became pope show a pastoral concern , an interest in almsgiving , in sin , in penance , in the sacrament of marriage and in the priestly office ( " De sacro altaris mysterio " ) : perhaps what one might expect of a Paris theologian of this period .
24 As one might expect of such an assembly of talent , Sahara Blue is a stately , tasteful listen , but only at its best captures the poet 's urgency and potency .
25 Diphtheria and measles , against which mass vaccinations have also been instituted , showed fairly abrupt falls immediately after introduction of the respective vaccines and indicate what one might expect of a successful programme .
26 Nor can he always rely on the help of those who in any other industry or service you might expect to be on his side .
27 ‘ Ulster Unionists ’ can be patronised as fractious tribesmen ; Northern Ireland Conservatives might expect to be treated as equals .
28 If we read ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ through with Tate 's commentary at our elbow , we see at any given point what he means : he has a good ear , as we might expect from his own poems ( which are however metrical , as ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ is n't ) .
29 Also from selected Victoria Wine stores is a sauternes in half-bottles with all the creamy , nutty complexity you might expect from a more elevated chateau , a snip at £2.99 .
30 Instead his working life has been devoted , as one might expect from that neck of the woods , to the shoe trade , helping build up the family firm into a multinational concern .
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