Example sentences of "show himself to " in BNC.

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1 The finder of goods is entitled — except only against one who can show himself to be the owner — to legal protection against all the world .
2 Jesus told the leper to go and show himself to the priest and make an offering for his healing .
3 The victory ended a run of three successive defeats , and Shell showed himself to be a relatively undemonstrative head coach prepared to listen to the advice of his assistant coaches and players before calling the big plays .
4 One mattered for him personally : he showed himself to be his own man .
5 As a child Louis-Napoleon showed himself to be both alert and sensitive , two attributes which made his life difficult , because he was the victim of the unhappy marriage of his parents .
6 With the publication of what was his most important work apart from the Idées , namely the Extinction du Paupérisme , the Prince showed himself to be aware of the grave socio-economic problems which afflicted the mass of the French people ; to whom he now offered a solution .
7 Robbe-Grillet showed himself to be willing to embrace this psychological/subjectivist mode of analysis as readily as he had previously accepted Roland Barthes 's imprimatur as the model chosiste .
8 During his career , the Master of Stair showed himself to be willing and able to flow or turn with the prevailing political tide , changing sides as it suited his purpose or ambition .
9 In Have I Got News For You he showed himself to be quick , witty and well able to take jokes levelled against himself .
10 More important is the fact that Aragorn has the stone available to him , and that Sauron ( having seen a hobbit in the same stone ) thinks Aragorn also has the Ring : it is because Aragorn showed himself to Sauron in the palantir that Sauron neglects his guard .
11 Reagan , on the other hand , soon showed himself to be an effective campaigner who projected an attractive and reassuring image on television .
12 Although the dauphin , Charles , who assumed power in his father 's place , showed himself to be a fine leader and a man of courage , he appeared in the circumstances to have little choice but to negotiate without giving away too much .
13 In taking this action , the duke showed himself to be several jumps ahead of the rest of the political community .
14 Although only fifteen at the time of his father 's death he soon showed himself to be a cunning and unscrupulous politician .
15 At once Sixsmith showed himself to be a person of some candour .
16 I did not have to pretend that he was a great man : by his acts , his understanding , and his solicitude , and by the example he set and maintained of standards higher than those of his fellows , he showed himself to be one .
17 In taking this action , the duke showed himself to be several jumps ahead of the rest of the political community .
18 After a brief phase of unambiguous Atlanticism at the beginning of the Cold War , de Gaulle soon showed himself to be a cold warrior with one eye on the danger of " le protectorat de Washington " .
19 In his letters to Gundobad , in some of his sermons , and in his versification of the first two books of the Bible , he showed himself to be a reasonable theologian .
20 What a shame that Andy Nicol is not a few years younger , for he too showed himself to be of world class in last year 's celebration of New Zealand 's centenary , when he played for the World XV in Christchurch .
21 He shows himself to be here , as he did in his earlier Deconstruction : Theory and Practice , an admirably lucid and urbane expositor of difficult ideas .
22 In respect of God 's being , the fundamental axiom with which Barth works is that God is ‘ eternally and antecedently in himself ’ what he shows himself to be in Jesus .
23 Yet there are others , on the fringes of power , who see him quite often at meetings of the government , at the very few moments when he shows himself to carefully selected groups of people , or when he travels from place to place .
24 More specifically , Lukacs shows himself to be extremely hostile to a number of key concepts on the socialist realist agenda precisely because they are symptomatic of an excessively subjectivist and false , because partial , view of reality .
25 Frank shows himself to be the only ventriloquist to move his lips but not his teeth .
26 Since winning the super-heavyweight gold at last year 's Olympics , the London-born but Canadian-raised fighter has shown himself to be anything but another pugilistic stereotype .
27 The general opinion around the paddock when I first started in motor racing was that James had early shown himself to be a driver of exceptional reflexes and considerable competitive temperament .
28 Over and over again in the past few weeks he has shown himself to be leading a rudderless , aimless Government .
29 ‘ Mr Bradburn has shown himself to be a fine teacher and a popular colleague . ’
30 By introducing tough new health warnings and refusing to give in to the tobacco industry 's demands , Mr Waldegrave has already shown himself to be the most effective Health Minister since Sir George Young 's short tenure .
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