Example sentences of "show itself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has also been said that such activities can help to raise the general level of energy of members of the household , the depletion of which may often show itself as a succession of minor illnesses .
2 Malignant melanoma can show itself by a change in the look of a skin mole .
3 This may show itself by an improvement in the child 's behaviour or in the resolution of some lingering problem , such as the slight cough or persistently runny nose .
4 Therefore , the unwillingness of policemen to define their role in these terms does not show itself in a failure to perform these duties but as a judgement that it is ‘ really ’ the work of others .
5 Low-grade malnutrition ( slightly fewer vitamins and minerals than you need ; too much fat and sugar and too little fibre ) can show itself in small , insidious ways .
6 Particularly this will show itself in the gift of availability to another , a conducive meeting-place , the courtesy of taking the phone off the hook , keeping confidences and having grace to forget as well as remember things people tell us .
7 Resentment will colour our attitude towards our partner and will show itself in a lack of respect and lack of desire to make love .
8 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
9 The other benefit of the end of the cold war could show itself in Greece 's relations with the Turks .
10 Internally , rising damp will show itself in several ways .
11 The lack of academic autonomy will show itself in some form or other .
12 But he is insisting , in black and white terms , that the divine sonship , mediated by the Spirit , must show itself in changed behaviour .
13 This may show itself in attempts to ‘ beat the system ’ .
14 Where that can not be achieved , the formation of separate partnerships under a single firm-name may be a more successful method of preserving unity ; ( 2 ) the rivalry mentioned above will commonly show itself in relation to the profitability of each office .
15 Now if children are unable to interpret the visual symbols and the written word , in order to make sense of them , there 's bound to be some reaction which will show itself in a sort of behavioural response which appears to be different from the responses we would receive from children who are able to interpret these words and symbols .
16 in the pluralist perspective , show itself in economic dependency , lower income , poorer quality of life , social disadvantages or in lack of political influence .
17 Where the remedy has been too ‘ strong ’ for the patient 's vitality this has always shown itself on the first few doses and it has merely been necessary to wait a day or two for the over-reaction to settle and then to begin again using greater dilution .
18 The Government of Sri Lanka has shown itself to be increasingly sensitive to the outcry over its appalling human rights record over the last decade .
19 He named Francis Fukuyama , an American , whose ‘ End of History ’ article might tempt one to think that the struggle was over and to put one 's feet up , thinking that every alternative to economic liberalism , in recent times , had shown itself to be hopelessly flawed .
20 LOSERS : The Financial Times , which was slow off the mark in exposing Labour 's tax plans and by declaring for Labour has shown itself to be as pink as its paper .
21 Market related pricing has shown itself to be effective in ensuring that consumers are aware of the real value of the resources they use , not only as it affects energy consumption but also in the realms of energy efficiency investment .
22 A final point : the assimilation of modal legacy to trust implies that the trust had shown itself to be a more useful , perhaps more flexible legal institution .
23 Even the Morning Star which is the paper closest to a political party ( the Communist Party ) has shown itself to be anything but a servant of its political masters .
24 YTS has been a major provider of new opportunities and through its funding mechanism , its special assessment and age exclusions , and its provision of special equipment and services , it has shown itself to be responsive to the needs of very many young people with disabilities and learning difficulties .
25 Picketing in various forms has shown itself to be one of the most effective forms of industrial action .
26 It also has certain opportunities , for example the University has already shown itself to be a leading research centre .
27 MERSEYSIDE has once again shown itself to be at the centre of new writing talent .
28 In my view , this local authority has shown itself throughout conscious of its duty to keep an open mind about the future of these children and to consider all the potential options in what was often an extremely difficult and fraught situation .
29 Public administration and management in central government has stood up to these strains , but the weakness has shown itself in the apparatus of policy formulation and in the quality of many government decisions over the last 25 years .
30 It is true that history records frequent occasions when this has been forgotten and prejudice has shown itself in religious , racial and class distinctions .
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