Example sentences of "need [art] help " in BNC.

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1 The physiotherapist may need the help of a second therapist , especially for the head-injured patient or the patient who has had a severe stroke .
2 Some couples who have failed to hear what the other has been saying over a number of years may need the help of a third person , probably a trained counsellor , to get them talking again .
3 Making things to fit the children themselves can be tricky , and children will probably need the help of a friend or an adult .
4 This may seem like a hard thing to do , but if you 've been involved with occult powers you really do need the help of an older Christian , so pluck up all your courage and …
5 Even though most wound patients need little or no rehabilitation , some may need the help of the physiotherapists , occupational therapists and a formal rehabilitation programme .
6 On the other hand , a holiday video which is basically a travelogue will probably need the help of sub-titles , or a commentary which can either be ad-libbed at each showing or added to the sound track later .
7 Non-stop mix-transfers are a three-handed job , and you will need the help of an assistant to cue-in the music material and to take care of the changing of source-discs and or cassettes on the replay machine if required .
8 For all these tasks governors will need the help of specialist staff such as advisers , advisory teachers , doctors , nurses , therapists , psychologists and , most importantly , classroom teachers .
9 There is little doubt that in this case human judgement would need the help of instrumentation .
10 ‘ You 'll need the help of a Copenhagener , and who better than I ?
11 ‘ But you will need the help of others .
12 So it , it 's as you say it 's a very tough , hard life and in order to survive , people really do need the help of other people and that 's why you 've really got to conform to a large extent in the society and you have n't got a lot of choice about erm you know wh what you 'd like to especially if you 're , if you 're young and female and not much men not if you want to get any wives that is .
13 Sometimes this needs the help of a large spanner , but should normally be finger-tight only
14 In order to comply with these conditions the Society needs the help IMMEDIATELY of EVERY Q.T.
15 ‘ I 'll need no help , once I 'm out , ’ breathed Harry , thinking with feverish urgency of the grave under the lee of the church at Strata Marcella , and the little curling leaf on the threatened stone .
16 I do mind of course , that Scott , who walks in beauty like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies , should be hurt by the words of a bunch of churlish rogues , but with the gallant Sir John riding to her defence she needs no help from me .
17 While he did not exactly oppose this suggestion , he added , somewhat enigmatically , that he believed Liza 's trouble was due to circumstances quite beyond her control and that she needed the help not so much of a specialist but a sympathetic friend personally acquainted with her predicament .
18 Hercules needed the help of his cousin , Iolaos , who plunged a burning stake into the central head .
19 She needed the help Harvey had promised .
20 The chiefs of the Assassins , in Persia or in Syria , had no interest in the plots and intrigues of Western Europe ; the European needed no help outside in the various arts of murder .
21 He needed no help from men and women , and needed no partner .
22 Now she needed no help at all .
23 You might wish to help her but you would n't think of advising her ; and usually she needed no help , either .
24 ‘ We are going to need the help of the gay community in London , the help of the media and the help of the public . ’
25 Pests and diseases are clever enough , persistent enough , and serious enough to need no help from us .
26 Now more than ever we need the help of our friends ’ .
27 Students might be required , for example , to sketch the layout of the kitchen , noting the position of fire-extinguishers and emergency exits , they might be asked to note the pattern of use in the restaurant ; which are peak hours ; what sort of music is played ; what arrangements are made for smokers ; what is the cleaning cycle for bedrooms and corridors ; what sort of internal accounting system is used — the list could go on , but all are investigative tasks which need the help of hotel staff and which , if properly recorded can be assessed .
28 All bodily functions , particularly those related to the healing processes need the help of the mind , and the mind requires knowledge of thought processes which can produce the desired result .
29 However , we need the help and understanding of others able to welcome and value the younger people who can easily feel ignored .
30 I have found when mixing cement , sand and water , that they need the help of a softening agent to make the mortar much more malleable .
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