Example sentences of "work together for " in BNC.

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1 If it is to be more than a symbolic marker of the moment when North and South decided in principle to work together for mutual survival , a number of decisions on how to administer it will have to be made .
2 But to be effective they all have to learn to work together for the good of the school .
3 I had always hoped that the Buddhist Sangha , meaning the Community of Buddhist monks , might take a hand in the raising of morale , the deepening of the Buddhist emphasis on the Noble Eightfold Path , and in getting all sections of the nation to work together for peace and reconstruction .
4 In the winter of 1940–41 a number of public figures contacted by the left-of-centre owner of Picture Post , Edward Hulton , agreed to work together for greater efficiency , vigour and democracy in the prosecution of the war .
5 A media education programme therefore presupposes that a group of people will continue to work together for several years .
6 A group of 25 communicators , sociologists and people from the religious communities of North America and Asia have agreed on specific plans to work together for a more just global communication environment .
7 The local education authority , and participating employers , in planning to work together for the benefit of young people , will need , early on , to clarify their modus operandi .
8 The industry still has problems but I sense an increasing willingness for its component parts to work together for the common good .
9 The way I was doing the deal , everyone was going to have to work together for a long time . ’
10 During a state visit to the UK on April 23-25 Walesa and UK Prime Minister John Major signed a joint declaration on Polish-UK relations , committing the two countries to work together for " a united , free Europe " .
11 Accompanied by two of his closest advisers , foermer Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda and Sanya Dharmasakdi , he appealed to them to work together for the sake of the people and the economy .
12 He did n't know if they would succeed , but it showed that , even here , there were people prepared to work together for the common good .
13 After all , we 're going to have to work together for the next week or so , so maybe it will help iron out the problems we keep having . ’
14 We decided to try to get to know one another better , seeing as we 're forced to work together for the next week or so . ’
15 AN international treaty which commits three very different communities to work together for the common good is to be signed in Middlesbrough next week .
16 And it is the exciting part of my job is to make these links work , start to build on them , and over our links in the city on the environmental and group with Tony Benn , that 's that 's doing a very good job , he is a platform for this , for each other , but I think there 's a lot more we can do locally erm within the city to build those links , and to work together for better answers for the city , and I hope that , on a practical level , one of the things that interested me was your grants team for local organisations , and I would like to think myself here today , we might look at the health authority , and try to join with them to make some erm practical contribution , particularly to those many carers , and groups of people who have problems , and we 're not all just professionals best able to put over during our normal nine-to-five or eight-to-eight days , we we can .
17 ‘ A great part of the Bible is to show us that all creatures are in God 's hand , and that He will either make our afflictions work together for good , or remove them .
18 They are named in pairs such as Royal and Sovereign , and Jupiter and Saturn , and once paired will work together for the rest of their lives until retirement at the Farm .
19 He said Labour believed that citizens should work together for the good of the community .
20 Finally , Mr Valle urged Christians to ‘ work together for communication that expresses an ethic of justice and promotes life , respect for human beings and their culture , and the development of true community . ’
21 In recent years , cooperation , not competition , has proved that the G M B and T G W U can work together for the advantage of all our members .
22 Amd Director of Corporate Affairs and Company Secretary , said her first UK Festival of Musicals was a ‘ resounding success ’ adding : ‘ I believe that the whole project has been a first class example of how industry and the arts can work together for the good of the community . ’
23 They worked together for six months in project planning and Brown took a teaching job at the Strathclyde Business School which also allowed him to keep looking for hotel sites .
24 We marched together to and from Aldermaston , we worked together for co-operative socialism , we campaigned together for health , welfare , employment , education and housing in our ‘ inner city ’ constituencies .
25 They worked together for over three years before they fell in love .
26 American and Japanese scientists worked together for three seasons , sharing equally in the specimens discovered .
27 They worked together for many years ; they would drink together on an evening .
28 Our knowledge of this comes very largely from David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel , who worked together for twenty years at Harvard Medical School , recording from single neurons of the visual cortex — the part of the neocortex that receives its input mainly from the eyes .
29 They worked together for more than twenty years .
30 Bateson and Punnett worked together for nearly seven years ; they were the founders of experimental genetics in Britain , and the main exponents of Mendel 's models of inheritance .
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