Example sentences of "work the mill " in BNC.

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1 Clutterbuck ceased to work the mill during the latter half of the 1840s , for by 1847 it had been leased to a paper-maker , Frederick Wiggins , who apparently only operated it for a few years .
2 There was an inquiry about this in 1867 , when Richard Colwell was said to have left wheat at the mill for three weeks , while waiting for enough water to work the mill .
3 They worked the mill for five years , after which Edward Palling , who also ran Brookhouse mill , took over .
4 They subsequently worked the mill to great effect , but fluctuations in trade caused problems for them among others .
5 By the 1930s , Wyman had been replaced by Charles Dee , who worked the mill throughout the decade .
6 In 1834 Playne and Smith were working the mill and in that year , with sometimes inconsistent water supplies and the need to improve efficiency , the engine house was built and a beam engine installed .
7 The beginning of the 19th century saw Paul Wathen working the mill and , under his control , a radical redevelopment of the site was carried out between 1803 and 1804 .
8 Alstone Upper Mill was worked during the 1860s by Elijah Snowsell , although by the 1890s William Ride and Co were working the mill , using steam power .
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