Example sentences of "still retain [det] " in BNC.

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1 It still retained such jurisdiction , and received some increase and confirmation of it , in the nineteenth century .
2 When he returned to his room Coleridge was mortified to discover that ‘ though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision , yet , with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images , all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast … ’
3 ‘ There 'll be a bit off for luck ? ’ he asked , proving that he still retained some of the guile he had picked up as a practising country lawyer .
4 He could see from the number of bells beside each door that they 'd nearly all been turned into flats now , or dentists ' surgeries , and some were in urgent need of renovation , but they still retained some of their former grandeur , or was it pretension ?
5 Only the lower storey of the main mill block survives , plus a few ancillary buildings , this having been imaginatively converted into showrooms , still retaining some of the original iron Venetian mill windows .
6 Meanwhile cook the two types of spaghetti together in a pan containing plenty of boiling salted water for 8–10 mins until ‘ al dente ’ : tender , but still retaining some bite .
7 For many years the tax code has contained legislation to prevent a person avoiding higher rate income tax by making a settlement , while still retaining some rights to enjoy the income or capital of the settlement .
8 Its action should be stiff enough to cast accurately and not to ‘ give ’ too much when striking , but it should still retain enough of its shock-absorber effect to cushion the resistance of a slab-sided bream when first struck into .
9 And they interpret that as meaning that whatever happens in the money market exporters should still retain some of their current advantage .
10 Nevertheless , the dominant impression to be gleaned from all the available evidence in this period is that , despite the decisive transformation in the balance of military power and the massive worsening of the mood of the bulk of the German population , the ‘ Hitler myth ’ — though unquestionably starting to crumble and lose its aura of untouchability — still retained much strength and potency .
11 Ruggiero Ricci recorded this collection of Wieniawski showpieces a dozen years ago , when his playing still retained much of its fabled , and now legendary brilliance .
12 State aid was accepted for the school , although the Church still retained some control .
13 Many farmers still retained some milk for cheesemaking but regulations on the production and use of milk during the Second World War almost brought farmhouse production to a halt and it has never been resumed on an appreciable scale .
14 However , most countries still retained some degree of control over capital account transactions , mainly because the volatile nature of capital flows was thought to present potential problems for the stability of their exchange rates .
15 Those people whose families had moved out from the inner areas still retained some ties with relatives in the inner city , but clearly such ties are by definition weaker in quality than ties with immediate neighbours , and they were dismissed as relatively weak in our inner-city network analysis .
16 EVEN IN an increasingly selfish world I thought that cricket-lovers still retained some reputation for being a bit more fair-minded and generous than most , Vince Hughes 's letter ( WCM May ) makes me wonder .
17 The mill is of conventional layout , of three floors plus attic configuration , and still retains much of its machinery .
18 The route is mainly over the Coniston Fells giving a high rocky ridge walk , with a final descent down Little Langdale — another quiet valley which still retains much of its old world character .
19 An old and convivial haunt which has undergone a number of recent changes but outwardly at least still retains much of its fishing port atmosphere .
20 A completely refurbished tavern which still retains much of the character of the old pub .
21 Of the other great churches , S. Maria Maggiore has been extensively altered outside but its interior , built 432–40 , still retains much of the original features including the 21-bay Ionic marble colonnade with its gilded arabesque frieze .
22 This property requires some updating but still retains many of the original features .
23 The system still retains many of the elements put in place in 1947 .
24 It still retains all its working parts and would require only minimum repairs to put it into full working order .
25 Then commercial milling ceased , but the mill , which is a Grade II listed building , still retains all its equipment .
26 Mrs Pearman , who was twice married but has no children , still retains most of her faculties and is an avid reader , particularly of Mills and Boon novels .
27 It is a structure essentially tribal in Pakistan , caste-based in India , which , though distorted several times over by a changing economy , still retains some of its concepts ( including that of the position of women ) in their original form .
28 The borderline between ritual and custom is a little blurred ; custom could be said to be a form of ritual that has lost many of its magical or religious overtones , but still retains some of the original intent to transform .
29 This last-to-be-colonized region still retains some mystery and glamour as an unsubjugated never-never-land where , in science fiction at least , almost anything can happen .
30 Ficulle is a small town with ancient origins , which still retains some of its medieval walls and watchtowers dating back to the 13th century .
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