Example sentences of "find myself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I happened to find myself with the Commander on the gallery one afternoon : the other usual suspects were missing .
2 I can not say how strange it was , how peculiarly dead I felt , when I awoke to find myself at a distance from my father .
3 This was due , no doubt , to the fact that though I motored further and further from the house , I continued to find myself in surroundings with which I had at least a passing acquaintance .
4 I did n't go into the parents ' room but went on beyond it to find myself in the rear part of the carriage , at the very end of the train .
5 ( When I practised this meditation , while writing this chapter , I was surprised to find myself in a small , dusty American town in the days of the Western .
6 When I want to find myself in the dream of the New Look , I have to reconstruct the picture , look down at my sandals and the hem of my dress , for in the dream itself I am only an eye , watching .
7 Another officer was called , and I was carried away , with much clanking of keys , eventually to find myself in a small room , where I was dumped in a negligent way on a table .
8 To find myself in the company of so many eminent , discerning and open-minded independent shopkeepers , affords me pleasure beyond expression .
9 Erm , I seem to find myself in this committee in a minority of one .
10 This is why , at the moment , I 'm being a bit cautious about remaining in my cavity I do n't want to find myself in the situation that I 'm held to sell .
11 Without realizing , I found myself between two groups of youths throwing bottles at each other .
12 Anyway , I did some radio interviews and I was quite taken aback when I found myself over the front page of the Evening Standard .
13 I found myself considering the protocol — an absurdity in the face of my determination to flout convention with regard to the funeral arrangements !
14 With jackdaws and Mambas both out of the frame , I found myself considering the bizarre idea that the storm had something to do with the disappearance of my dead sister 's remains .
15 I was not prepared to commit myself completely in every situation , as I found myself as the actor and the spectator at the same time .
16 Once I forgot to take a flashlight with me when visiting a friend , and found myself outside the house in pitch blackness , unable even to find the edge of the pavement or the garden hedge .
17 I thought I was being taken to the prison but instead found myself outside the door of Le Coq d'Or .
18 After being stuck in traffic behind trailer upon trailer carrying ‘ The Doors ’ logo , I eventually found myself with director Oliver Stone watching a drunk and disorderly Morrison recording ‘ Touch Me ’ .
19 On a wet Wednesday in March 1987 , as part of a short survey - not scientifically conducted , but as part of a personal investigation into the cause of alienation among secondary age children — I found myself with a group of seven girls and one boy , between the ages of twelve and fifteen , at the Didcot Health Centre at four o'clock in the afternoon .
20 ‘ He had to pick an England team from what was left after the week-end games a fortnight ago , while I found myself with just two players at Highbury for almost the entire week .
21 Again I felt that terrible pain and sickness , but a few seconds later I found myself with the face and body and character of Henry Jekyll once more .
22 So it was that , just before my fourteenth birthday , I found myself with my parents and brother at the foot of an unprepossessing mountain called locally El Jocoso , the Jocund .
23 My original programme included the week 's Workshop in Jaipur and two lectures in Delhi , but in fact I found myself with many more professional engagements than this , through the Indian habit of ‘ cashing in ’ on one 's presence to arrange last minute lectures and seminars , and the Indian tendency to solicit one 's opinion of personal research , of Ph.D .
24 I walked round the walled field and found myself at the edge of a tinkers ' camp .
25 I soon found myself at the Gasthof Lôwen in the little village of Sasbach .
26 I desired with almost sickening intensity something never to be described ( except that it is cold , spacious , severe , pale and remote ) and then , as in the other examples , found myself at the very same moment already falling out of that desire and wishing I were back in it .
27 Before I had really recovered , I found myself at the railway station , where I said goodbye to Dulcie and we went our separate ways , promising to keep in touch , as one does .
28 Then the talk turned to the West and I found myself at the centre of questions .
29 At the age of 30 , I suddenly found myself at a turning point in my life .
30 The scene shifted and I found myself at the head of a stairwell , aware that yet another place might be reached but only by somersaulting over the banister and walking my feet down the opposite wall as one might descend a defile in a crag .
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