Example sentences of "find themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So in two years flat , after riding on the crest of a wave , people who had been cock of the walk in ICI suddenly found themselves at the bottom of the league .
2 The Smiths , defying the trend of white electro beat , found themselves at the forefront of a new wave of ‘ pick up your guitar ’ bands .
3 The arsenic is now on its way elsewhere , nor is the shake-up ending there , as dumps all over Europe have by turns found themselves at the end of the latest ‘ lead ’ .
4 There was only one drawback and that concerned the weaker kittens that sometimes found themselves at the bottom of a pile of bodies and unable to breathe .
5 The planners , the Planning Committee , and the Council found themselves at the centre of the great deal of public agitation in which the reputation of the Council sank to a very low level .
6 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
7 FIREMEN called to a chimney blaze found themselves at boss Jeffrey Ord 's home at Alnwick , Northumberland .
8 Both the Emperor Marcian and his wife Pulcheria played an active part in the meetings : Marcian and Leo found themselves at loggerheads not so much over the dogmatic formulation as over the disciplinary canons that were appended .
9 Wounded men and prisoners could still have much to fear if they found themselves at the mercy of their opponents .
10 Shadow ministers who visited Washington thus found themselves at the centre of considerable attention , and were probed in detail on their thinking over a range of issues .
11 ‘ Women of middle class origins who found themselves at the beginning of their working lives unequipped to promote themselves within occupations which traditionally demanded either precise qualifications or highly developed aptitude ’ .
12 The enthusiastic ones included Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia which , a mere 18 years later , found themselves on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain to be eligible for membership . )
13 Hiding at ninth on the bill , beneath stars like Wet Wet Wet and The Christians , the band found themselves on a remake of The Beatles ' ‘ Sergeant Pepper ’ , called , with a high degree of originality , ‘ Sergeant Pepper Knew My Father ’ .
14 Once at the top of the rise , they found themselves on a flat plateau , of which most of the park area consisted
15 They skirted the city , threading their way through the still-silent streets and , following the Prior 's careful directions , soon found themselves on the broad beaten approach to the port of Leith .
16 It is n't that difficult then to imagine how Johanna 's parents found themselves on Christmas Eve in the position they did — unsure whether their daughter was with her friends or in terrible danger .
17 Legal aid was provided for more than 337,000 people last year , including many who found themselves on the receiving end of a court action .
18 ENGLAND manager Geoff Cooke , horrified by violence that marred what should have been a gentle centenary celebration , read the riot act to the players after England 's new kids on the block found themselves on the rack at Leicester .
19 Black people found themselves on the receiving end of racism in all manner of forms from the beginning of their arrival in Britain .
20 Willpower often works — although it did not for Bailey McMahon , who found themselves on the receiving end of action by the Irish authorities .
21 Moreover , if the person found themselves on income support when old , the calculations for income support would assume they were receiving their full old-age pension .
22 The crucial power was torn from the hands of the proletariat , and within months the Bolsheviks found themselves on the other side of the barricades .
23 Moreover , at this time , the boundary between the two parts of Britain was drawn southwards so that formerly prosperous parts of the Midlands , particularly the West Midlands conurbation , found themselves on the wrong side of the line for the first time ( Townsend , 1983 ; Green , 1986 ) .
24 Other artisan groups also from time to time found themselves on the receiving end of employer " impositions " .
25 ‘ There would need to be an awful lot of call-offs before the five players untried at this level found themselves on the field at the same time , though , ’ said the coach .
26 Although the band could now operate without digging into the personal pocket of Joe Moss ( previously he had financed all the band 's expenses ) , Marr , Morrissey , Rourke and Joyce still found themselves with little personal money .
27 As well as causing a breakdown in the economic system , the inflation led to a spread of corruption ; it meant humiliation for many thousands of families , whilst a few successful speculators found themselves with untold wealth .
28 ‘ Her ’ lipstick was constantly having to be renewed as more and more people found themselves with the impression of a pair of very red lips on their faces .
29 At the same time Domark , owners of a plethora of Bond licences , found themselves with the rights to Live and Let Die ; a film with a particularly violent speedboat sequence .
30 Young women married to salesmen , for once , took an interest in where their husbands would be on the great day ; the older men , who ricocheted between various business interests , were lectured steadily , any time they put in an appearance at home , on the necessity of being in Tollemarche at this time ; and those males who were doomed to spend their lives in Tollemarche found themselves with intolerable lists of jobs to be done , from laying out backyard skating rinks to pinning up the hems on their female relatives ' costumes .
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