Example sentences of "may be several " in BNC.

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1 The clonk may be several things , but is most probably the ball joint on top the rear axle joining it to the rear ‘ A ’ frame .
2 Most often there is one copy of a given plasmid per chromosome , but with the small ones there may be several copies .
3 ‘ We are looking for someone on a consultancy basis to advise on above and below-the-line campaigns , but there may be several arms to that , ’ McDevitt adds .
4 This experiment uses a pair of old-type telephone handsets to set up a two-way analogue communication link over copper wires between two points which may be several hundred metres apart .
5 It may be several hours before you realise that the cowpat is a date , and the white bit a blindfold .
6 There may be several reasons why seroconversion seems to be associated with bacterial pneumonia only among intravenous drug users and not among homosexual men .
7 As we have seen in the previous chapter , there may be several other processor registers accessible to the programmer apart from the accumulator , for example the MQ register .
8 In a large computer there may be several hundred control gates in the processor , so it would be uneconomic to have a bit for each gate in the micro-instruction .
9 The capacity of these may be several days ' supply , and , with a more or less continuous inflow , the level changes little , and there is a substantial amount of clarification while standing .
10 The blockers — and there may be several of them — must take up conspicuous positions in the branches on either side of the drive , so preventing the monkeys from breaking out .
11 This is a complex notion in itself , because as Figure 2.1 suggests , there may be several kinds of boundaries , demarcated in different kinds of ways ; and the nature of the boundaries may be as much as institutional or professional as epistemological .
12 There may be several states N with greater worth than any of their children .
13 Though there may be several good reasons why our paper was not accepted ( one being that the editor in question was no longer alive ) , the fact is that there is no outlet for complaints against editorial abuse of power .
14 There may be several such peaks , and there are several ways in which they can be produced .
15 In addition to these papillae there may be several supernumerary papillae situated on the edge of the jaw and on the edge of the adoral shields , but they are less common in smaller specimens .
16 The aim was to improve on the situation inbuilt in manual systems whereby information is sampled at intervals and may be several weeks out of date by the time it has been assembled .
17 More generally , therefore , an employee 's initial idea may be several steps ahead of the present state-of-the-art and yet be too far removed from practical and profitable application to be of immediate benefit .
18 There may be several reasons , concede Laws and Dennison ( 1990:276 ) , why primary heads appear so attracted to doing many things themselves .
19 Even if these developments start a serious move towards using CD-ROM , it may be several years before multimedia CD-ROM can gain any kind of foothold .
20 Like the other horse strongyles , the pathogenic effect of these worms is damage to the large intestinal mucosa from the feeding habits of the adult parasites ; in particular , T. tenuicollis , whose adults feed in groups and cause the formation of large deep ulcers which may be several centimetres across ( P1.III ) .
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