Example sentences of "also produced [art] " in BNC.

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1 Next also produced a much worse than expected slump in interim profits to £16.2m from £30.9m previously .
2 It has possibly become the dominant issue in several state races but has also produced a more compromising approach to the abortion issue .
3 The Flounder League also produced a 3 lb 6 oz 12 drm fish for Southborne 's Nich Edwards and a 2 ob 14 oz flattie for Reg Clough from Bowerchalk .
4 Marks in the Western Solent yielded odd double-figure cod from the Sowley section , Bramble Bank area also produced a few specimens .
5 The minority , in particular the 1540s , also produced a concentration of the more ‘ normal ’ bonds by the magnates , hitherto made for local purposes but now reflecting the need for support in a major political crisis .
6 Geologically recent submergence has also produced a series of islands , some inhabited e.g. Eriskay and Berneray , and some now empty and abandoned e.g. Fuday , the Monach Islands and Pabbay .
7 They had also produced a daughter , a spritely mite , five years old .
8 In nineteenth-century Queensland it was claimed that Devons produced as much beef per acre as Herefords or Shorthorns and also produced a good proportion of lean meat to fat when crossed with the Shorthorn .
9 The bureau has been involved in several local residents ' campaigns for improved amenities and has also produced a report on racism in North Tyneside , aimed at persuading the local authority to look at its range of services within the borough .
10 The Bennett 's and parma wallaby groups also produced a large number of ‘ joeys ’ .
11 The Halifax Building Society has also produced a booklet called Home Help for Widows , which has been compiled in conjunction with the National Association for Widows and gives practical advice on property matters .
12 Ruth has also produced a video on the Hague Linker which show lots of hints on how to obtain a truly professional garment .
13 Ehrich and Koehler ( 1975 ) also produced a script recognition system which did not use real time information in its coding scheme , although they did use some sequence information .
14 They have also produced a new edition of Pierre Schneider 's Matisse , which now includes details of recent discoveries and up-to-date information on the location of his works , and coincides with the transfer of the large New York show to the Pompidou Centre from 25 February until 21 June , although in a reduced version ( FFr995 until 31 January , then FFr 1200 ) .
15 The sessions have also produced a wealth of varied and detailed material , often linked to constructive proposals for the solving of problems , which questionnaires do not elicit .
16 The uneven development of the technologies of production and communication had also produced a sharp , and apparently increasing demand in the job market for boys to do all sorts of simple work in the sphere of communications and transport : van boys , errand boys , messenger boys , boys to answer telephones , boys to hold horses ' heads and other kinds of trivial but essential work .
17 The FMS carried out a number of cultural , educational and political activities and also produced a monthly magazine called Fraternity .
18 This system has also produced a remarkable number of idiosyncratic and creative characters who have transcended the rigidity of the system and transformed their pain into poetry , music and literature .
19 The Governors ' Unit serviced by the Education Department also produced a news-sheet which contained updates on government and LEA reports and initiatives , and offered lists of issues for consideration .
20 Viking Penguin has also produced a revised edition of the Manual of Housekeeping , the National Trust 's ‘ bible ’ of household conservation by Sheila Stainton and Hermione Sandwith .
21 Hayzen has also produced a computer package for commercial application .
22 Denudation chronology also produced a number of debates which centred not only on the existence of surfaces of a particular number , which was not readily resolved by trend surface analysis , but also on the mode of development of planation surfaces and the significance of earth movement in influencing the denudation chronology .
23 Farm service also produced a local pattern .
24 The Old World was full of herdsmen and drovers , but none have attracted as much attention as the American ‘ cowboys ’ of our period , though their equivalent in Australia , the itinerant sheep-shearers and other rural labourers of the hinterland , have also produced a locally powerful myth .
25 The ISVA have also produced a standard form , published in 1984 , and known as their " Recommended Rent Review Clause " .
26 Objectors also produced a map showing where objectors lived .
27 This submergence has also produced the myriad skerries and islands of the inter-island straits , notably between North Uist and South Harris .
28 It has also produced the Green Partnership , a 12-step programme implemented by the hotels , which guides them through a series of initiatives to make the properties more environmentally friendly .
29 Rudd was then ‘ left in a corner ’ designing the new four-litre Lotus V8 , and also produced an outline of a turbine Le Mans car that would use a Rolls-Royce Gem engine and be built with Essex sponsorship .
30 It has also produced an increase in films shot overseas , with foreign casts .
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