Example sentences of "also found [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ashton has also found a delicious use for the ordinary class-room petits battements sur le cou depied when Cinderella parodies the Ugly Sisters ' dancing lesson .
2 The 1983 British Election Survey also found a change over recent years in favour of ‘ liberal ’ social policies .
3 Andronikos also found a diadem , a corselet , helmet and spears , a tripod and metal bowls .
4 Agribusiness has also found a profitable outlet in the production of animal feed .
5 Soviet and American tests with animals also found a decline in the production of red blood cells that seemed to worsen the longer the animals were in orbit .
6 These managers involved in recruitment have also found a new sphere of satisfaction as they observe the progress of the trainee volunteers whom they were involved in interviewing .
7 Ernst , García-Díaz and Hauser ( 1987 b ) have also found a simpler realization of the Geroch group of transformations relating colliding wave solutions .
8 Iron Age man built a massive earthwork here , now known as Danes Dyke , and the early settlers also found a ready supply of flints in the chalk cliffs from which they made many of their primitive tools .
9 In the next year , one in which bad harvests had pushed up the price of wheat to 119s. 6d. a quarter , the overseers not only paid 1s. per week to Mary , but also found a further 2s. per week for Thomas himself from 26 May until 30 June on account of him having ‘ No work ’ .
10 In St Augustine 's interpretation of Trinitarian doctrine , Hilton also found a way of showing how sinful man could learn about the incomprehensible God and return to his creator .
11 Then they suggested he check out the thriving scene in Berlin , where Eddie ‘ Flashin' ’ Fowlkes — a similarly-underrated innovator — has also found a second spiritual home .
12 A second A–20 has also found a new home .
13 The Chinese market for it already existed , and the Company also found a new market for it in England , where it was used as a narcotic and as a pain-killer , for which it was much more satisfactory than the only available alternative , alcohol .
14 In addition to the major landscape changes already outlined , Sinclair ( 1983 ) has also found a small increase in the amount of enclosed land ( 1.8 per cent ) , but a major change from vernacular enclosure to fences , with the area enclosed by walls and hedges down by 13 and 37 per cent respectively between 1949 and 1978 , but the area enclosed by fences up by 45 per cent , to give the overall pattern shown in Table 8.5 .
15 This finding is in line with a study from Sweden that also found a significant increase in incidence during the shorter period 1970–84 , resulting in twice the incidence in women as in men .
16 Other studies have also found a lower prevalence of high EE ( High Expressed Emotion in families is considered to be a factor in relapse of schizophrenia ) in Third World countries .
17 Other authors have also found a correlation with severity in alcoholic liver diseases as classified by other indices .
18 Detectives also found a formula for diluting LSD hidden behind a sideboard and chemical equipment under the stairs .
19 Not much new about that you might think , given the traditionally British trait of self-denigration , but the survey also found a further 42pc , or 84 companies , were genuine contenders for that elite gathering .
20 Nearby is also found the lever for engaging ground-related pto .
21 I 've also found the size pockets on the Colorados too shallow for safety .
22 The librarian had also found the committee helpful in a number of ways by going beyond the narrow terms of the funding itself .
23 In such a habitat is also found the great water dock , food plant of the reserve 's most notable butterfly , the large copper .
24 I not only feel it to be the most relevant magazine to the industry I work in — the consumer finance sector — but have also found the appointments section excellent , especially as I secured new employment through it after being made redundant .
25 But police also found an empty bottle of Cinzano in her car , the court heard .
26 Tees-side Bridge and Engineering Ltd the Court also found an implied term in the employee 's contract to the effect that he could be required to work where directed .
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