Example sentences of "also [be] applied " in BNC.

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1 The Ronseal varnishes used here can also be applied to a painted or previously varnished surface that has been rubbed down with a fine abrasive paper .
2 Coleridge said that Shakespeare was ‘ miriadminded ’ , but the term can also be applied to its gifted originator , too .
3 The Law can also be applied to the depth dimension , with a fulcrum in the middle ground .
4 Ashby 's warnings of the dangers of professionals , although apparently directed against those in extra-mural departments , could also be applied to the staff of the WEA .
5 The death penalty could also be applied to those who refused baptism , failed to conform to ecclesiastical disciplines given out by missionary leaders , or who refused to fast in Lent .
6 Nevertheless , its point about the evidence for God 's goodness — that it is not compelling and that , indeed , there may be moments when it appears that the facts of life may not be reconciled with a good Creator at all — might also be applied to the evidence for God 's existence .
7 What we need , however , is not to stretch consent out of recognition but to examine whether the reasons that validate consent in general and consent to authority in particular can not also be applied to some cases not involving consent .
8 Once admitted , however , the principle could then also be applied to the Magyar treatment of the Croats , the Polish of Ruthenians , etc .
9 The same test and standards of antimicrobial efficacy can also be applied to cosmetic products .
10 The word may also be applied to the small cursive script developed from the uncial .
11 GPs make many decisions which have financial consequences and all the arguments for clinical budgets to be applied to hospital doctors can also be applied to GPs .
12 It follows that this approach may also be applied for other types of space-times which contain two commuting Killing vectors .
13 Since they involve the same Ernst equation , it is clear that all the solution generating techniques that have been developed for stationary axisymmetric space-times in recent years can also be applied to colliding plane wave situations .
14 The principle that larger cylinders will withstand more wear can also be applied to discs .
15 In addition to , secondary prevention could also be applied to the alleviation of social and psychological difficulties which might lead to attempts .
16 Although Bukharin was primarily concerned with a war situation , in which there was not only a direct diversion of a large part of the GNP to the production of means of destruction , but also a direct destruction of the forces of production , his formulation can also be applied to ‘ peace time ’ capitalism .
17 Although Dr Gale 's project is largely concerned with metals , this technique can also be applied to ceramics and rocks , as well as corals , bones and molluscs .
18 So although the law is mainly directed at shopkeepers , it could also be applied to anyone who sells or gives a young person a sniffable product .
19 Apart from its direct interpretation , the TSP can also be applied to problems that have nothing to do with towns and salesmen .
20 It can also be applied to your debtor 's bank account provided there is money in it .
21 The same principle can also be applied within one specialization , e.g. typography .
22 Much of what is said can also be applied to a day care setting .
23 This line of thought might also be applied rewardingly to explain one striking feature of divorce statistics .
24 These criticisms of Hobhouse might , with little modification , also be applied to the general movements we have examined .
25 Could such a scientific , ‘ rational ’ approach also be applied to the analysis of humans ' social worlds , their relationships , experiences and behaviour within it' ?
26 The fleece can also be applied in autumn as frost protection to extend the cropping period of leafy vegetables well into the winter .
27 Some pressure must also be applied to the top of the assembly to keep them from lifting apart .
28 The concepts of congruence can also be applied , secondarily , to other lexical relations .
29 That principle must also be applied here , since to require a company incorporated under the law of one member state , which has its registered office , central administration or principal place of business in that member state ( within the meaning of article 58 ) , or even in another member state , to transfer its principal place of business to the member state where a certain activity , such as fishing , is to be carried on , deprives that company of the possibility of exercising its right of establishment through the setting up of agencies , branches or subsidiaries , as is expressly provided for in the second sentence of the first paragraph of article 52 .
30 Such procedures can also be applied in two dimensions by providing nine spatial zones about the primary space together with the four boundary excursions ( see Figure 2.12 ) .
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