Example sentences of "than a decade " in BNC.

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1 Such a mood of concern has existed now for more than a decade and seems to mirror uncertainties of role occurring elsewhere in society .
2 The IRA statement of responsibility had incorrectly named another man , the brother of a well-known Belfast republican , as the victim of the shooting , accusing him of having a bizarre paramilitary career stretching for more than a decade .
3 The Khmer Rouge does not want to rock the boat , having waited patiently for more than a decade for the Vietnamese to leave .
4 Law and order in Uganda IT IS more than a decade since Kampala was one of the world 's danger capitals , when Uganda was under the sway of Idi Amin , the murderous clown now in exile in the Middle East .
5 Implicitly , they have accepted many of the criticisms made for more than a decade by Labour councils and civil libertarians : that a force which has dug itself in behind ramparts of elitist isolationism must begin to respond to demands of the public it serves and their political representatives .
6 Mr Havel 's Civic Forum may be some way behind East Germany 's New Forum , but it can draw upon a reservoir of informally networked dissent which dates back more than a decade .
7 Mr Havel 's Civic Forum may be some way behind East Germany 's New Forum , but it can draw upon a reservoir of informally networked dissent which dates back more than a decade .
8 This disturbing profile of Afrikaners in their own backyard was drawn by David Dimbleby and directed by London-born but South Africa-educated Francis Gerard who , more than a decade later , makes his feature debut with A Private Life .
9 Among those missing from the first Grand Slam event of the year are Andre Agassi and Jimmy Connors , who has not played the Australian Open for more than a decade .
10 For more than a decade , the spectre of the return of the hippy , of progressive rock , has haunted music-making .
11 In 1945 this did not happen : indeed , more than a decade was to pass before conscription was phased out .
12 But here too , room for manoeuvre is limited : the long-term nature of most major weapon programmes is such that few can be brought to a successful conclusion in much less than a decade , and in some cases even longer .
13 Ford does not plan to introduce a completely new replacement for its Taurus family car until the mid-1990s — more than a decade after the car first appeared .
14 Typewriter script , which became the world 's most familiar type-face between 1867 and 1985 , will have taken less than a decade to change from a staple into a mannerism .
15 In less than a decade Japan could have moved from being the most lightly taxed OECD country to being one of the most heavily taxed .
16 The ‘ new ’ systems being used in the Gulf have all been more than a decade in development .
17 It has been in accelerating decline for more than a decade , but the crunch is fast approaching .
18 Fred Clasper may have moved on to a new fighting ground but he , and men like him , left behind their destructive trade-mark on Britain for more than a decade .
19 A movie version of Morrison 's life has been in the works for more than a decade , with male stars from John Travolta to Jason Donovan coveting the lead role and a string of scriptwriters , directors and producers slated for involvement at different times .
20 The price of all meats fell more in real terms than all foods — rising in price 15% less than inflation over the past 10 years — and are now 13% cheaper than a decade ago .
21 Twelve of their heads were impaled on the Charles Bridge pour encourager les autres and remained there for more than a decade .
22 More than a decade ago , De Lorean and his cover-girl wife Cristina were the toasts of London .
23 With her formidable industry , Mrs Thatcher , over more than a decade , acquired a grasp of EC detail which left her own experts trailing and , more important , often enabled her to wrong-foot hostile EC officials .
24 AFTER more than a decade of rising profits , Highland Distilleries saw its growth record interrupted in the six months to February .
25 Quite apart from the adverse opinion polls , they were conscious that Britain was in the midst of its second deep recession in little more than a decade .
26 His appointment is part of the most radical restructuring of Whitehall for more than a decade , with the creation of two new ministerial posts .
27 The preliminary results , particularly in Teheran , indicate Iranians ' weariness with more than a decade of revolutionary turmoil and a desire to rebuild the economy following the eight-year war with Iraq .
28 After more than a decade of research ( see , for instance , Chem .
29 By the early 1980s air pollution had been a dead issue for more than a decade .
30 Irwin 's poem , it should be noted , was written more than a decade before Gray 's ‘ Elegy ’ .
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