Example sentences of "come across [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , we monitor all reports of building failures in Britain and we have come across no evidence of interstitial condensation causing structural rot in practice .
2 Having come across no obvious Selina lookalike among the ladies , I found myself completing an editorial stress quiz , delete where inapplicable , in which your nicotine and alcohol consumption was set against various stress-donating hardships you might or might not be falling foul of .
3 It had been given particular poetic stimulation a few months earlier when , at 15 , and musing in a second-hand bookshop in the city , he had come across a book of poetry by the Spanish poet , Federico Garçia Lorca , a book he has carried with him ever since , as Manzano records .
4 This year I have come across a group using a bothy as a base from which to run mountain walking courses .
5 The latter I had been intending to read for years and , by happenstance , had come across a cheap edition in a book sale just days before setting out .
6 Never had Berret come across a case with so many promising openings that led nowhere .
7 I had already come across a congratulatory account of this transformation in Jules Verne .
8 A number of marriage counsellors I have spoken to all agree that they have never in fact come across a case where infidelity has improved a marriage .
9 He said he had never come across a clearer , more perfect case , with so many vital details so well remembered .
10 A few years later , a homosexual friend of Anne 's said that he had come across a man who looked like Dustin , who hung out in gay bars , telling everyone he was Dustin Hoffman .
11 Many people have had experiences of déjà vu , when they have come across a place which they are able to describe in precise detail even though they know they have never been there before .
12 Over the past year , I 've come across a dozen or more men of my age who are with women who simply are n't willing to give it all up for a baby .
13 Access is easy , for although the car parks are few , they are strategically placed , and I 've not yet come across a walker with tales of local farmers barring the way .
14 ‘ It wo n't be the first time that people who think they 're in the fast track come across a roadblock and are overtaken by people in what was falsely described as the slow track . ’
15 Hayling had come across a man called Chris Walsh who was already getting funds from the GLC for his latest , faltering , business enterprise , a Third World Development unit based in Highbury , North London .
16 However , it does have once scene of interest when the band come across a village occupied by South Vietnamese soldiers and an American advisor .
17 He said that whenever members of his family come across a dead chimpanzee in the forest , they dig a grave and cover the body , perhaps with a small piece of cloth , and ask the deceased to greet people in the other world .
18 I had come across a small herd of Swayne 's hartebeeste near Awash Station , the only hartebeeste I saw during the journey .
19 Quite by chance in collecting material for I have come across a cousin who is the communications and Public relations person at so I am to put them in touch with each other as the one in London has just had a letter from another in Vancouver trying to do family research .
20 Mike Sheron also played , so they had their best 4 players , and we wont come across a much quicker defence this season , and STILL managed to create chances all the way thru the match .
21 I 've come across a bit of architrave by the way .
22 Katie 's come across a problem she 's got too many bits , so she 's going to go up and along , this time she 's
23 Nowhere in Eliot 's anthropological reading had he come across an example of a student of primitive civilization who had himself turned cannibal .
24 Well sir , I 've recently come across an American sex survey in which a large number of US ladies were asked the question : ‘ How long do you usually like love play to last ? ’
25 For a moment I thought he had come across the bottle of wine given to me by the couple at Benouville bridge café .
26 Hashmat Ara Begum , a community worker in the Borough of Camden told me that she too had come across the most contemptuous attitudes among Health Visitors .
27 If you 've never come across the publication before , it is an essential purchase for any would-be freelance photographer and the well established alike .
28 I have never come across the problem of a horse licking the soil … although I have heard of eating droppings ( COPRAPHAGIA ) and other inedible things such as tree bark , afterbirth , dirt and bedding .
29 Every therapist/healer , orthodox or otherwise , has come across the person who just does not get better — despite doing everything ‘ right ’ .
30 Some readers will have come across the idea of expressing a simple relationship between an explanatory variable X and a response variable Y as Y = a + bX .
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