Example sentences of "come [prep] operation " in BNC.

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1 But the publicity machine had come into operation and nothing would stop it .
2 As he left the studio after the interview his well-programmed defence mechanism had come into operation , and he had pushed the painful memories into a corner of his brain where his conscious mind could not reach them .
3 It is not concerned with the merits of the instruments but rather with whether the special attention of the House should be drawn to the legislation in that it : ( a ) imposes a tax or fee on the public or a charge on the public revenue ; ( b ) is made pursuant of an enactment containing specific provisions excluding it from challenge in the courts ; ( c ) purports to have retrospective effect when there is no express authority in the enabling statute ; ( d ) has been unduly delayed in publication or laying before Parliament ; ( e ) has come into operation before being laid before Parliament and there has been unjustifiable delay in informing the Speaker ; ( f ) is of doubtful vires or makes some unusual or unexpected use of the powers conferred by the enabling statute ; ( g ) calls for any special reason of form or content , for elucidation ; ( h ) is defective in its drafting .
4 Details of 53 schemes were collected , 51 already in use at the time of the review in 1983–4 and two of which were in their final stage of development and have since come into operation .
5 The sudden fall in cocoa prices in 1964 was partly responsible , but on the positive side great new projects — Tema deep water harbour , and above all the Volta River Hydro-Electric scheme — had come into operation .
6 It also sold the existing warehouse at Acton which has been under-used since the main London warehouse has come into operation .
7 The frequency with which controversial legislation is amended by Parliament itself ( as witness the Act of 1974 which was amended in 1975 as well as in 1976 ) indicates that legislation , after it has come into operation , may fail to have the beneficial effects which Parliament expected or may produce injurious results that Parliament did not anticipate .
8 Here the underlying values of the organization 's top management come into operation .
9 The world 's first commercial power station fuelled by chickens has come into operation at Eye in Suffolk .
10 The EC 's long-awaited eco-labelling scheme has come into operation , with dishwashers and washing machines the first products to be included .
11 Health Service Managers have been invited to express interest in joining the third wave of NHS Trusts , scheduled to come into operation on 1 April 1993 .
12 To achieve savings of around 30 per cent , the French will relax certain safety constraints observed in Super-Phenix , the 1200 megawatt breeder due to come into operation next year .
13 MAJOR changes in Liphook bus services are due to come into operation from April 27th .
14 As a vine will generally withstand a temperature as low as -5°C water-spraying systems are set up to come into operation as soon as the temperature drops to 1°C .
15 In order for the exception under article 11 to come into operation so as to relieve drivers and those who permit them to drive in excess of the hours which are prescribed there must be a real emergency .
16 Believe me this law seems to come into operation unfailingly at about 3.20pm every day !
17 The bank will use the Hitachi software to develop a fund investment system to come into operation from 1994 .
18 The government proposed the outlines of a new tax ( DoE , 1991 ) to come into operation in 1993– .
19 Later this year the DTI will be issuing a consultative document on its proposals for implementing the Third Life Insurance Directive , which is due to come into operation by mid-1994 and which will enable an insurer to offer insurance anywhere in the Community on the basis of a single authorisation in the state where its head office is situated .
20 Furthermore , the indecent haste with which regulation 64A was brought forward in the recess , and then — it must be unprecedented — replaced by another identical regulation 64A , designed to come into operation immediately the next day , in the middle of the 21-day period that a regulation is supposed to lie on the Table before being implemented shows not only the willingness but the eagerness of Ministers to block or restrict those entitlements .
21 In Harrisburg , a district court judge , Daniel Huyett III , issued a temporary injunction to block the enforcement of parts of Pennsylvania 's 1989 Abortion Control Act due to come into operation on Jan. 16 .
22 A new export-processing zone near Lomé , designed to attract foreign capital and develop non-traditional exports , was expected to come into operation after the publication of enabling decrees by the Council of Ministers in May 1990 .
23 The order allowed a deposit protection scheme to come into operation in the UK , under which depositors ( numbering some 53,000 in the UK out of a global total of around 1,200,000 ) could claim 75 per cent of their deposits up to a maximum of £15,000 .
24 Forth Estuary Towage Limited was established to undertake all the Authority 's towage activities including the handling of vessels at the new Braefoot Bay Terminals due to come into operation in 1984 .
25 If it succeeds merely in regulating part of the system , then something called Goodhart 's law is likely to come into operation .
26 SeaWatch is also the model for the UN Global Ocean Observation System , due to come into operation in 2015 at a cost of US$2,000 million .
27 This possibility is not a sufficiently retained interest under the settlement to enable the section to come into operation ( Walker 's Trustees v IRC ( 1955 ) 34 ATC 135 ) .
28 No. 943 ) which came into operation on the 5th August 1983 .
29 In England , Wales and Scotland the new local government systems which finally came into operation in 1974 appeared to confirm a new status for local government , which was also reflected in significantly increased salaries for the chief officers of the new councils .
30 Culham 's first tokamak , CLEO , came into operation in 1972 .
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