Example sentences of "could be useful " in BNC.

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1 A FORMER Ulster prison officer was charged last night with collecting , recording and possessing information which could be useful to terrorists planning murders .
2 There are many differences between these two bodies , but a detailed comparative study could be useful not only for the two areas involved but also for the southern European countries about to join the EEC .
3 ATB courses on work planning and improved work methods are available and could be useful .
4 It also became apparent that they could be useful in subdividing the intractable stretch of time from Late Cambrian to Silurian ; they changed in obvious ways from one rock formation to the next .
5 It could be useful to remind Stuart Baxter of it some time in the future .
6 A blocker could be useful in several ways , and a compound ( dichlorisoprenaline ) was developed accordingly .
7 Teachers have been forced to teach in a way that could be useful to those who had no natural bent for literature at all .
8 He could be useful . ’
9 What might be a set of values which could be useful ?
10 Indeed , the two diagrams illustrating the role of analytical chemistry in society deserve wide exposure and could be useful compulsory reading the bureaucracies where there is a danger of passing legislation that runs ahead of analytical competence .
11 Two other companies believed libraries could be useful on occasion , particularly in supplying statistics and other hard copy .
12 Nevertheless , older industrial property could be useful for new companies wanting cheap premises and wishing to locate in the cities .
13 Below is a list of sounds which could be useful to reinforce the spoken word :
14 However , films can be used to create an atmosphere of reality , which could be useful for students prevented , say by distance , from visiting a certain university library .
15 And because many railway stations are built on the edge of town , the Lucas bus could drop passengers in the centre just the sort of vehicle that could be useful on branch lines — if there are any left by the time its development is complete .
16 Having said that , the book could be useful as a guide if the student were to read other texts to fill in the gaps .
17 This book , however , has virtues of readability , wide coverage and excellent references to important works , and could be useful to non-chemists such as safety advisers , who need a broad coverage of the subject , or to chemists in petrochemical plants .
18 And I 'll tell you , sooner or later it 's going to occur to someone you could be useful ; useful enough to make it worthwhile taking out that dog .
19 It could be useful when we get the usual clutch of nutters claiming they 're the Whistler .
20 ‘ The Coleys have asked us back for drinks at Château Kitsch — that 's worth seeing anyway , ’ he said , ‘ but lots of potential patrons will be there and the Pony Club Committee , so it could be useful to Perdita .
21 Henry Kissinger recognized that Romanian co-operation could be useful to the United States in its efforts to get out of the Vietnam War and to open up relations with Mao 's China .
22 Some theorists believe that hydrogen becomes a metallic solid where its electrons freely flow when compressed by two or three million atmospheres pressure ; there have been speculations that metallic hydrogen could be useful as a fusion fuel .
23 If such extra-curricula activities were well organised , they could be useful and educational , but they should not detract from study or emphasise the ‘ get rich quick ’ ideology .
24 This is where family work could be useful helping the whole family to understand the part alcohol has come to play in the life of the vulnerable elderly person , the pattern of abuse , the defensiveness about it , and the likely outcome .
25 They 'll find out , for example , that Julio Iglesias prefers to be filmed only from the right — which could be useful for the cameramen .
26 Some of them could be useful to know …
27 This would be searchable in either direction , which could be useful in some parallel application for string searching , or just allowing for reverse searching because the end of the string is more restrictive .
28 This system could be useful in a number of situations ( as discussed above ) , and the lexical look-up and use of additional linguistic information is not restricted to on-line handwriting recognition .
29 ‘ I can see that could be useful .
30 Could be useful .
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