Example sentences of "could n't help " in BNC.

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1 But he could n't help .
2 I could n't help laughing at that .
3 The two of them tickling staid Janey , one on each side until she could n't help laughing , and the seven peas rolled away .
4 I could n't help feeling pleased though I was ashamed of myself …
5 Fixing my eyes on them , I could n't help cursing Aisha , wishing she was dead , swearing by the Prophet Muhammad that I would have my revenge because it was she who was stopping me walking those streets and riding in those red buses to find work and a flat or a room of my own .
6 When I was told that I 'd have to share a kitchen and bathroom with strangers I could n't help thinking how this would astound the people at home , how they would snort with laughter at the idea that this could really happen in England , mother of civilization .
7 I could n't help but joining in .
8 After seeing the picture of Scafell Massif taken in evening sunshine from the summit of Yewbarrow , I could n't help wishing I 'd been there .
9 I could n't help myself . ’
10 I belonged to that great multitude who could n't help liking Dick Crossman : he and I were always nice to one another , right to the day in 1974 shortly before his death when he came to the Birmingham Bull Ring in acute physical discomfort to hear me advise my fellow-electors to vote Labour if they wanted out of the Common Market .
11 I stood up and gazed along the barrel of the Bren gun and could n't help smiling to myself and thinking that Taff was at his funniest when he was annoyed about something , even though our circumstances at the moment were anything but funny .
12 As we said our goodbyes and hoped to meet up again soon , I could n't help thinking as I watched the column disappear in the distance that the Marines were not going to find the situation any easier than their last venue .
13 As we moved along I could n't help feeling apprehensive as I looked for newly disturbed ground that could contain a box mine , or glancing at the trees and hedges for signs of booby-traps .
14 As I looked at the faces marching past with a smart eyes right , I could n't help thinking of those who would have liked to have been on this parade ; those still manning the trenches , and all those buried in a shallow grave in the orchards around the village .
15 As I stood and gazed at the now empty slit trenches , I could n't help a sinking feeling in my stomach as I pictured in my mind those who had occupied the trenches in this orchard , those who had been killed or seriously wounded .
16 They told her over and over again that she must not do it , but she could n't help it .
17 I could n't help remembering the pleasure I had had in my clothes , how keen my mother had been on my wearing them , how we had often designed them and chosen them together and my mother had made most of them .
18 Wexford was n't inclined to be sentimental over the Cullams but he could n't help being faintly touched that they who were poor in everything had been affluent , extravagant and imaginative in one respect .
19 The widow 's suit looked brand-new and Wexford could n't help wondering if she had actually been out the previous afternoon to buy it .
20 He seemed so pleased with himself that I could n't help saying that I should mind them very much myself but that I had no objection to his wearing them — a view which I believed surprised him .
21 POINTS of Order could n't help visualising the scene in Number 10 Downing Street a week last Thursday , when the lad from next door burst in to say his piece .
22 I could n't help laughing — it was so true .
23 I could n't help but imagine the scene of panic and desperation that must have taken place a few hours earlier - the young dolphin fighting and dying in a few frantic spasms , its grieving mother well able to defend her child from sharks but helpless against a silent , resisting wall of nylon . ’
24 I could n't help but notice that you could not find an appropriate country for Brian Mulroney , Canada 's prime minister .
25 I could n't help but think he wanted it to be a theme park .
26 I could n't help myself ; I laughed out loud .
27 He could n't help it if Mrs Wright had taken him to visit her friend who was n't there , who was dead .
28 It came across to Cocello and the committee in such a way that the presenter could n't help but benefit from being associated with it .
29 He could n't help being reminded of a cat 's tight , shell-pink rectum .
30 ‘ I could n't help it , Gary .
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