Example sentences of "could [adv] come " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
2 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
3 She also persuaded her local council to help adapt their Manchester semi so that Norman could eventually come home .
4 I could not write anything here yesterday because I was too desolate at the thought that I could hot come and talk to you .
5 Release could only come if and when he finished his long apologia .
6 Even the Commission , with all its enthusiasm for EMU , could only come up with a potential saving of between 0.1% and 0.5% of the Community 's GDP , and even this did not take into account new costs of changing the ecu into other , non-EC currencies .
7 Carol had written it specially for Nicholson ; he could read some of the special nuances that would mean something to him and no one else , nuances that could only come from a friendship and working relationship spanning fifteen years .
8 Such lèse-majesté could only come from a member of the public .
9 When he was asked his philosophy , this man said that freedom and release could only come when you saw a muddy ditch as being the same as the beautiful Ganges .
10 Sadler had articulated the political sentiment in his Manchester inquiry when he remarked on how education was but one aspect of ‘ a many sided problem ’ , and as such it necessitated both the development of individuality and personal conviction and ‘ a sense of national duty and obligation towards the State ’ , which could only come through ‘ better and more systematic training for the duties of citizenship and for home-making and family claims ’ .
11 The police were empowered to direct and to route processions , but a ban could only come from the Home Secretary .
12 But his tortured mind could only come to the same conclusion .
13 At Ashburnham , Brown created a late eighteenth-century sense of ‘ wilderness ’ that could only come from the utmost ingenuity ; sudden ‘ surprise ’ views of the house replaced the structured avenues and rigid vistas of earlier occupants .
14 There was practically none of the systematic planning and oversight which so characterised Bath and many other spas : that could only come from the implementation of a single plan by a great landowner and architect , and Brighton had a few of these .
15 In a cloak and dagger operation , he got in touch and insisted he could only come to her shop when there would be no other customers around .
16 Chainsaw guitars , bonecrusher drums , some bloke yammering on about serial killers … a sound that could only come from one place .
17 But such rectitude could only come when the inner disposition was right .
18 Yet Citrine was working within a specific , more individualist business culture and , though change could only come slowly , collective discussion remained the only antidote to bureaucracy that he ever really understood .
19 The fusion of the Asian and European conflicts was a gamble which could only come off if a successful blitzkrieg were to lead to negotiation .
20 And these infringements , needless to say , could only come from the Vietminh .
21 Such hard evidence could only come from the rocks .
22 Minch had long ago taught Creggan to ignore this altogether as their food was never good and an eagle could only come to harm if he got involved with people in that way .
23 It gets its name from the belief that such a flower could only come from the home of a god — Mt Parnassus .
24 So , if we knew that P was the first letter of a word we would know that the second letter could only come from a small group , and that A , E , I , O , and U are the most likely candidates , H and S are less likely but possible , and F and N very unlikely , but not impossible .
25 Such a situation could only come about if researchers are encouraged to at least prepare for publication , if not to actually publish , papers on their research whilst they are still in the environs of the university .
26 The resolution noted that self-determination , either in a purely Basque framework or sharing sovereignty partially or fully with " other peoples " , could only come about gradually and democratically and with due regard to " historical context " .
27 The army insisted that a viable peace agreement could only come with the laying down of LTTE arms .
28 Sir Robin Day searched a long memory for some event remotely comparable , and could only come up with Edwina 's famous threat to handcuff herself to the rostrum until hanging was brought back .
29 Such a situation could only come about if researchers are encouraged to at least prepare for publication , if not to actually publish , papers on their research whilst they are still in the environs of the university .
30 Certainly he was convinced from the beginning that a solution could only come through Algerian self-determination and the democratically expressed will of the French people .
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