Example sentences of "take [art] view " in BNC.

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1 If one takes the views of the architects explicitly asked this question in the AMERG survey then the reforms seem to have been a mixed blessing ( 42 per cent thinking them to be beneficial and 29 per cent not to be ) .
2 By implication , Levitt takes the view that a global market should be viewed as one with particular market segments that may bear little or no relationship to geographical boundaries .
3 Whereas Levitt takes the view that the low prices permitted by scale economies in production offer the key to global marketing success , Quelch and Hoff suggest that the driving factor in global marketing should be the efficient worldwide use of good marketing ideas .
4 The former steel boss takes the view that any intelligent manager can learn the technicalities of a new industry reasonably quickly .
5 Mark takes the view that if the UK is not to be considered for other than economic reasons , then that 's a matter for the committee and the Corporation to decide .
6 SIR — Although like most MPs I accept the principle that a majority of one is enough , I find it difficult to explain to my Southend Conservative supporters who have phoned me why your paper takes the view that there was a 4.43 per cent swing from Conservative to Labour in our constituency .
7 This was not done in the 1985 Act — with the result that it would be open to the Government not to comply with an order if it takes the view that the Tribunal 's decision clearly exceeds its powers under the statute .
8 Hughes takes the view , however , that ‘ exotic ’ or ‘ unreasonable ’ views need not necessarily be respected .
9 Elliott takes the view that ‘ although most persons are not liable for omissions a doctor is so liable vis-à-vis his patient , unless he can justify his failure to give treatment on the grounds that such was useless .
10 The results of each survey are published in the Gallup Political Index every month , except during election periods , when the European Commission takes the view that member countries should not publish opinion data for fear of influencing the outcome of the election .
11 The committee takes the view that government research projects carried out by private industry have a better chance of leading to commercial rewards in terms of new products and processes .
12 Martin Orne takes the view that hypnosis may be safely used simply to gain clues for further investigation , in cases where the police are completely in the dark .
13 Wan Plumpton , deputy chairman of the Electricity Council takes the view that consumers , and women in particular , could not cope with ‘ spot pricing ’ .
14 It is as if the academic community takes the view that theories on ancient astronauts are beneath their dignity .
15 So the sportsman takes the view that the rabbit is a worthy member of the wildlife community , while accepting that most farmers , perfectly understandably , take another view .
16 He takes the view the man is serious , under a lot of pressure to get out . ’
17 In view of the decision in CIR v Eurocopy plc [ 1991 ] STC 707 , the Revenue takes the view that in practice alterations to the terms of approved employee share schemes that effect a change in the rights of existing option holders are unlikely to be approved .
18 The ASB still takes the view that appropriate disclosures of this kind can assist users of financial statements , but in the light of the responses to FRED 1 concluded that the concept can best be developed within the ASB 's proposals for an Operating and Financial Review to support a company 's annual report — ie as part of a wider discussion of a company 's performance .
19 The MSC in both the YTS and TVEI programmes takes the view that the perpetuation of sex differentiated subject and skill areas is a major problem , at least in those areas where there is a shortage of skilled male labour .
20 Clearly if the stock market is depressed , then cashing in equity based contracts before you need could lose you money , unless of course your adviser takes the view that the stock market is likely to plunge even further .
21 Thompson , the individualist , takes the view that consciousness is a condition of class identity :
22 Bolton Report , 1971 ] : The government takes the view that the rationalization which the proposed merger would facilitate would increase the efficiency and productivity of the electrical engineering industries , and in particular the effectiveness of the export effort of the companies whose overseas sales are of the greatest importance to the Balance of Payments .
23 Mr Patten takes the view , as other governors have done , that since Hong Kong is intimately tied to the booming economy of southern China , removing MFN status would devastate the colony .
24 Bembridge School takes the view that the collection no longer has any educational value , and that it needs the space it occupies for other purposes .
25 Like Hodge , Seller takes the view that women who uncritically adopt philosophical conceptions of knowledge may find themselves saddled with consequences that are at odds with their perceptions of the world and their politics .
26 If we look also at the review sections , we see that already in the 1920s McKerrow takes the view that a " great period of discovery is rapidly coming to an end : " an age of English scholarship is passing , if not already passed " .
27 Barbara Hardy already takes the view in 1975 that some amendment to practical modes of teaching is needed given that many students find no affinity with the Leavisian critical stance , nor " share the faith in Englishness and European civilisation " .
28 The court takes the view that it has not had the benefit of seeing the witnesses , hearing their evidence and forming opinions as to the weight to be attached to it .
29 The Law Society takes the view that the remedy for negligent work is to sue the negligent solicitor for compensation .
30 Whether one takes the view that the whole school ( c.f.
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