Example sentences of "see in terms " in BNC.

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1 But such a situation is also presented as a thing pre-done , interpreted by being seen in terms of Antony 's meeting with Cleopatra as portrayed by Shakespeare , and as a thing re-done , since the third meeting , that of Princess Volupine with Sir Ferdinand Klein presents us again with a similar situation .
2 The communion ceremony is seen in terms stressing the physicality of Frazer 's ‘ Eating the God ’ .
3 He realized the importance of kinship systems for the Indians and how for them most social relationships were seen in terms of who was the child of whom and who was married to whom .
4 Finally Engels turns to the future of marriage and this is seen in terms of past evolution .
5 A rather unsatisfactory marriage was glorified in his imagination by high-sounding comparisons between himself and Dante , while his largely innocent office romances — which do not appear to have gone much beyond crushes on secretaries — were seen in terms of Launcelot 's devotion to Guinevere and the threatened breaking of the Round Table .
6 As Michael Goldman ( 1975 ) suggests , fashions in acting can be seen in terms of the varying degrees to which it is thought proper to expose the private feeling of the actor .
7 The components of leadership are , therefore , seen in terms of effective skills and qualities rather than cognitive technical knowledge .
8 Hillingdon 's thesis was that ‘ unexpressed needs ’ , though felt , had not been seen in terms of a library solution , whilst in the case of ‘ unactivated need ’ the library stimulated demand for needs which had not even been felt .
9 Alternatively on Fig. 3.2 the development may be seen in terms of moving from level 2 — departmental analysis of expenditure , to level 3 — patient care analysis .
10 More fundamentally , one could ask whether the problem should be seen in terms of an interaction between nations at all , for in what sense can a nation be a ‘ player ’ ?
11 These are seen in terms of two different , but complementary , energy flows , known as the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger , both aspects of the same energy , which need to be balanced .
12 The heart chakra , for example , has been seen in terms of a river curving around a conical hill with a church .
13 The ‘ magic ’ medium in this endearing space-hopper device is Siporax , claimed to work wonders in nitrate-removal , though my levels stuck resolutely at 30ppm and all I could seen in terms of visual improvement was a better class of blanketweed : sort of lusher , nar mean ?
14 Language difficulty will be seen in terms of nonconformity to standard or normal ways of expressing notions and functions .
15 This identity was rarely seen in terms of antagonistic class relationships , but could provide an untheorised sense of other oppositional social groups and an unsympathetic state .
16 Even when it is , it is most often seen in terms of the size of individual instalment payments , and the length of the repayment period .
17 The reasons for the decline in this sector of the housing market may be seen in terms of simple demand and supply analysis : the letting of accommodation has become less desirable for landlords and other forms of tenure have become more attractive for potential tenants .
18 Hence , if evidence is found to support the existence of a North-South divide , this must be seen in terms of measures of ‘ averages ’ for particular regions .
19 Alternatively , if language problems are seen in terms of the child 's limited understanding of the rule system , this , in turn , might lead on to a programme of intervention designed to teach the child more about the rules assumed to underlie language use .
20 He proposes that the production of consciousness must be seen in terms of two relationships that Marx analyses independently .
21 As a result the function of second-level policy-making institutions such as Public Local Inquiries is seen in terms of merely affording an opportunity for those whose private individual rights and interests may be affected by a policy proposal , to make this known to those responsible for making the decision .
22 Learning is therefore seen in terms of where the child is rather than where we hope he might be .
23 ‘ Solutions ’ are seen in terms of harsher punishments , a ‘ tougher ’ attitude on the part of social workers , and more legal power and controls over some families .
24 Traditionally children with special educational needs have been seen in terms of a deficit model — just as disruptive children have .
25 The curriculum is not seen in terms of constant amelioration of handicapping conditions , but rather in terms of making up for deficiencies which are constantly imputed to the child .
26 Its importance for the development of fascism in Britain has to be seen in terms of the administration and discipline which the group who left to join Mosley in 1931 supplied to the BUF .
27 The framework can be best seen in terms of a continuum of discretion .
28 In a hierarchical structure , where success is seen in terms of promotion but where promotional opportunities become increasingly limited , playing the power game is inevitable .
29 As a consequence of this concept of an historical construction of sexuality , a third point of contact lies in the rejection , both by the interactionists and Foucault , of the notion that the history of sexuality — especially in the nineteenth century — can fruitfully be seen in terms of ‘ repression ’ .
30 — It is not clear , though that the Review is best seen in terms of a " regression towards the traditional pattern that still held in English Studies " as Mulhern elsewhere suggests .
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