Example sentences of "see a figure " in BNC.

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1 His sharp eyes had seen a figure moving in the darkness in front of us , and as the man came closer , I could see that it was indeed Stapleton .
2 Nigger could vaguely see a figure sitting on the stone slab on the left hand side of the small room .
3 On approaching the pub they could see a figure in a black T-shirt with white lettering through the opaque glass of the gents ' toilet .
4 He could see a figure within the Lift detach itself from the group and glance quickly in his direction .
5 He thought he could see a figure moving in front of him .
6 Two years ago , Capitol police reported seeing a figure who looked like Senator Thomas Hart Benton — thought to have left the premises in 1855 — sitting at his old desk in an historical display .
7 Occupied in their garden on a June day in 1797 , they looked up to see a figure standing in a gateway at the top of the gentle slope one hundred yards from the mansion .
8 ‘ There was enough light from the moon and from the light in the house to see a figure . ’
9 A sound caused her to jump slightly and she half turned to see a figure silhouetted in the doorway .
10 She sauntered back to the view and Miss Blandish , but swept her sunglasses on with instinctive irritation as she saw a figure on the next balcony .
11 He could hear the faint sounds of footsteps and , straining his eyes , saw a figure moving slowly in the distance .
12 But as we continued on to the broad plateau of Geal-Charn , not named on the ordnance survey map , we saw a figure in the distance .
13 I was about to take off my load and leave the heap of pine-needles for someone else to find in the morning when I saw a figure approaching in the distance .
14 Mr Hayden looked up from his writing and saw a figure dressed in old-fashioned clothes reminiscent of the style worn at the turn of the century and his expression was one of sadness .
15 He went to the top of the steps and looked around , he could n't see anyone or anything untoward ; he looked out of the window and he thought he saw a figure on or around the track .
16 For a moment he thought he saw a figure at the far end , waiting , but that was from the nightmare , too , just a trick of the light and the fog .
17 She saw a figure lying on the ground and O'Hara holding Geoffrey 's arms behind his back .
18 I stopped to look round , and saw a figure jump quickly behind a tree .
19 Eventually we saw a figure coming slowly towards us , clearly visible because the sky , as if by a miracle , had started to clear and a brilliant moon had appeared .
20 He saw a figure that was himself , the villain of his peepshow .
21 Then one morning I saw a figure coming towards me faster than any man could go .
22 You thought you saw a figure entering the front door of the Rectory . ’
23 She began to say , ‘ Thank God … ’ then halted , as the door swung open and she saw a figure momentarily silhouetted against the pale evening light .
24 He saw a figure moving towards him , and felt himself pushed , with great force , into a wall .
25 No , not until the until we opened the door , gave that quick check and then I saw a figure or figures in the bed .
26 Around the corner of the building he saw a figure on a bike speeding away .
27 I presently see a figure approaching from a hundred yards off , up the middle of the street : a tall young woman , in a close white cap , and a short frock of lilac cotton , and coarse sack-cloth apron , and strong boots .
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