Example sentences of "see the need " in BNC.

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1 No attempt has been made to see the needs of legally aided clients as different from those of fee-paying clients .
2 In fact , Steve 's relieved to see the need for his work diminishing .
3 Mrs Thatcher was cute enough to see the need to cultivate the backbenchers who made up her lobby fodder and the knighthood became once again the reward for wrecked marriages and broken health caused by sitting up all night to vote as the whips instructed .
4 It is not enough for us only to see the need of the contract ( the essence of level one ) or even the attractiveness and reliability of the terms ( levels two and three ) .
5 It would be interesting to have research into the period of initial onset of the illness and the ability of families to obtain specialist advice for the sick family member , particularly as in this illness the patient has rarely the insight to see the need for medical assistance .
6 She was also one of the few Salvationists to see the need and value of the media .
7 The investigation of provision of quality education and options for the future by the school community itself has led the community to see the need to close schools and to amalgamate , in the best interests of the pupils . )
8 One political group in particular , the Whigs , who had been the " outs " in politics for the 25 years prior to 1830 , began to see the need for some response to this pressure .
9 At this time the Salmon and Gluckstein families , successful tobacco merchants , were turning their attention to catering , seeing the need for good , cheap , clean places to get a cup of tea .
10 ‘ It was a direct result of seeing the need for something different that could allow people to go out to sea no matter what the weather was like outside , that I went to see the lifeboat just over a year ago . ’
11 The Dutch administration had long seen the need for consular representation in Jedda , the port of Mecca , where the security , health and transport of large numbers of Indonesian pilgrims could be supervised by the Batavian authorities .
12 Lamps of every size sprouted in pairs where no one had seen the need for lamps before , until there were as many as four pairs on the front of a Cadillac , and there were models which carried fourteen lamps as if they were Mississippi riverboats .
13 The community advice team in Tooting Bec hospital has seen the need to use their experience in a psychiatric hospital to help others in such hospitals , in particular ones facing closure where the patients have very clear anxieties .
14 Having seen the need for NEAS , the coordinator now sits on the steering committee for the development of the Sunderland Enterprise Centre where NEAS will be one of the business advice services .
15 The Church has always seen the need to present its teachings and tradition in ways which are appropriate and relevant to each generation .
16 Although Martin has said that some bass players like to be able to significantly alter their sound while they are actually playing on stage , I 've never seen the need to have all the gubbins on the bass to do that , then have lots more gubbins on the amp to do more of the same .
17 In complete contrast to Laura , Bernard had never seen the need to control his temper .
18 The builders of these pianos may have seen the need for a check , but they did not provide one that would always prevent the hammer bouncing .
19 A century before William Booth had seen the need of the " submerged tenth " of Britain whom nobody else seemed to care about and declared " These people are our people . "
20 He wrote the section on the history of the school in order to discuss the implications of himself being a recent appointment and why he had seen the need to make certain changes .
21 This time , the Test and County Cricket Board which is really the professional armour of the game , have seen the need to combine with the National Cricket Association , er to streamline the opportunities for these young players .
22 Mr Roger Lyons , the assistant general secretary of the MSF technical union , sees the need for a massive programme of training to equip trade unionists in the East with skills to handle multi-nationals .
23 But he also sees the need for guarantees on employment conditions there .
24 St William 's Foundation sees the need for a programme of action which will explore new paths , side step old obstacles , find lateral avenues to solution of apparently intractable problems .
25 One sees the need to be reminded of the richness of direct experience , especially today when so much is learnt and experienced indirectly from print , printouts , and television .
26 In one way or another however the credit industry now sees the need to adjust its attitudes and behaviour to incorporate more advice work , and to build on its shared interests with advice agencies .
27 Councillor MacDonald remains on the council , outspoken when he sees the need to question the activities of this very singular local authority .
28 Gill Jangley acknowledges the ‘ support of eminent philosophers such as Peter Singer and Tom Regan ’ ( 1988 : 6 ) , whilst the then Director of Intramural Research at the US National Institute of Mental Health , Frederick Goodwin , a vigorous critic of the rights movement , sees the need to undercut their assumptions .
29 Second , one sees the need to observe the act of reading aloud with much more precision , in order to diagnose the strategies which the reader is using .
30 In spite of some clergy who are ‘ not appreciative of art or excellence ’ , the Church in the United States still sees the need to train musicians as a pastoral priority .
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